David Niall Wilson

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David Niall Wilson


Author, Publisher, some awards, USA Today bestseller. Wrangler of 12 cats & chinchilla, ex-Prez HWA, trivia not fact checked. Way left. Husband & father, I'm Crossroad Press! ALT Banner: Nanbootz the Persian Cat in a Cubs T-shirt Glaring at you.
Once again the 4.5 hour trip from home to PAX River MD took 6.5 hours... listened to an audiobook, then the entire #ChicagoCubs game (they won! Wesneski rocked) and then at lesat another 45 minutes of audiobook. Going to get dinner, and try NOT to nap very long, then watch The Boys and write.
About to hit the road for Maryland. Going to rain part of the way so... yay? Will be listening to @jonathanjanz.bsky.social 's words all the way unless I don't get there before the Cubs game starts (He will understand I think).
Tomorrow I travel to Maryland... will get a lot of audiobook reading done, will read some Kindle books.., Two days in the MD office and then a day in Baltimore to see the Cubs play.
A Spanish magician was doing a magic trick. He said, “Uno, dos…” and he disappeared without a trace.
I think I did it. I think I wrote the chapter (Twenty-One to be precise) that fixes one of the things that early readers found as an issue. It creates a shift for a later part of the novel that is a WTF moment. I hope it's right, but even if it's not quite there, it can be worked on. Here is Telly.
NOW we're into it. Earlier versions of this story, and this novel, presented a character in a way that would likely be unredeemable. The current vision shifts that, but this chapter is critical. I have to make that change without breaking the flow, and still leave the unease of what was there.
Just my own perspective on the ever-shifting world of the truth about your idols... if something touched you, inspired you, that isn't going anywhere. Everyone makes their choices how they react to big revelations, but don't belittle the part of you that saw something special.
I may have to never post on FB again. Even a meme gets "But GUYS - what I believe is the only thing that will save the planet" or grumpy old guy saying "You have to leave the NYT alone! Next it will be ban the books!" It's worse at times than X
We are watching the very strange movie CHOMPY AND THE GIRLS and... it's entertaining but...well... verry difficult to explain. Also, the main guy (Dad) Looks like a blonde Waldo - just needs a striped shirt. Last night we watched ADVENTURES OF THE NAKED UMBRELLA... wow (lol)
Just burned 2,000 calories. That’s the last time I leave brownies in the oven while I nap.
The number of people who go for "news" to sites that only tell them what they already want to be true is despair-worthy. The number of "news" outlets that honestly portray the news is close to zero. The math of journalism these days all has a lot of $$ in it.
Meanwhile, in the #BadEconomy.
if i had to pinpoint the beginning of the internet's long decline i would say it's when "search-engine optimisation" became a thing burying the worthwhile beneath the profitable has been the death knell of every industry ever
Connections Puzzle #391 🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟩🟪🟩🟩 🟩🟪🟨🟩 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟪🟪🟪🟪
Passed Chapter Twenty on the novel revision. Fixed more issues. I feel locked in, and when things aren't right, this time I notice. The notes are helping a lot, as well. Some of my best writing in years is in this book so I have to fix it. The Cubs won. Steele pitched all 9 innings. Sam approves.
"You have a broken puzzle, a paint-by-number with half the numbers gray. With a paint-by-number, if you try very hard, you can guess at what some of the missing shades and hues must have been, but what you come out with is either less than, or more than the truth.” - From WIP
Connections Puzzle #390 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟪🟪🟪🟪
Submitted a new story to a major online market. No expectations - it's a good solid story, but no idea what they will think. Reader responses were good. Was fun to write and will find a home at some point. Why not now? (lol). Here is a cat. Telly was watching the scanner suck a book into the cloud.
It's coming... the eBook is currently discounted to $2.99 and if you pre-order from the publisher the paperback, normally $12.99 is only $10.99. Reviews say "The Mindfuck Award of the year goes to this book." "When You Leave I Disappear is a nuanced nested doll of a novella..."
When You Leave I Disappear: A Novella by David Niall Wilson - Shortwave Publishingshortwavepublishing.com USA Today bestselling author David Niall Wilson's When You Leave I Disappear is a literary horror novella in which a bestselling author's imposter syndrome draws her into a darker and darker world fro...
The only thing I know about current UK politics is that the good guys seem to be about to win. Watching posts flash by is much like when my European buddies start talking "futball" with slang. I've mostly figure dout Cricket, played soccer for years. Still can't follow them.
My son brought me my Father's Day gift... SLOVAKIAN Whisky. Hit & Run - Nestville 9 yr blended. It's got a great boquet, hints of cinammon and honey, and tastes like expensive bourbon. Weird, but very cool and the bottle! A baseball bat!
Not sure who needs to hear this, but I'm 64. I can still run ten miles. If I had to "Potus" all day and then do events at night I would be fucking exhausted. Keeping the schedule saner isn't an issue...
Bajadasaur in caliche forest. A4. Piece for the upcoming artbook. This started out as Amargasaurus on a saltflat, but researching saltflats, I stumbled across caliche forests and thought they looked really cool. And looking at sail-necked sauropods, I remembered Bajadasaurus. Original available.
This is the second guy whose entire timeline is BIDEN HAS TO STEP DOWN - both with avatars wearing a sailor hat and no names attached - I blocked so I can't show you but... @nihilism.bsky.social
Today (despite the heat) I ran 3.3 or so miles. I found a bolt beside the road and named it Usain Bolt, so I ran a couple of miles with Usain Bolt... found a spoon to keep with the garage cats food so I don't lose any more of Trish's. #foundoutrunning #foundbyroad
Surprising literally no one... the governors who visited the White House are still supporting their nominee, the President has had a checkup since the debate and his health is fine, and The NYT can fuck straight off. It's not optimal, but no worse than it was before the debate. Happy 4th...
Reviews have started coming in. I told you all you don't want to miss this one (even if I'm the author it's okay to listen to me) . Someone now needs to make me this "Mind Fuck of the Year" award so I can have it :)
REVIEW: When You Leave I Disappear by David Niall Wilson | FanFiAddictfanfiaddict.com SYNOPSIS USA Today bestselling author David Niall Wilson's When You Leave I Disappear is a literary horror novella in which a bestselling author's ...
Payments stage 1 done for authors. Novel revised to just under 20k words, 18 chapters. Starting to get to the weird part now where it's always seemed off before. There are a number of victims and they have to be kept straight. We'll see. Nightly note - resist. Don't let it eat your life.