
I think people should likely take a breath... again. None of the things that Trump is currently indicted for were official acts. The ruling specifies that there is "some" immunity, but none for unofficial acts. All this did was delay the trial... We still have to beat his ass but then he's toast.
this is the bit that worries me: along with the 2nd bit
That is problematic... except that he was not president when he stole documents and had no official duties... And if they are going to say that fixing the vote is an official duty they'll need fancier words than these.
ah yes, I was thinking about the DC case, not the "it's my paper because emotionally I'm a toddler" case in FL, good point! Also the NY conviction will hold at least as far as immunity is concerned.
He doesn't have state immunity in any case, only federal.
Except that Robert’s opinion bars using evidence from his time in office, destabilizing the NY case. At least. That’s what his lawyers just filed.
The case in NY is done. They can't appeal on a ruling that happened after the decision.
Thank You, I will now take a breath.