
Funny how we are at the point now where a place can have millions of users and still be relatively niche and small. There's just so many Internet users now 😱
Even funnier because I still know people that have never used social media, and not all of them are "old" either
Yeah, it’s kinda silly that we use a place like twitter as a yardstick. It doesn’t need to be hundreds of millions of people to be a good place to go.
Yeaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh..... So many heavy hitters refuse to leave the birb and it makes no sense to me. The art scene is better here than there..... But I guess they're locked in with their subscriptions and don't wanna "start over" 🥲
Yeah, I don’t blame them at all. If the business and their network is still there, it’s hard to leave. I’ve started reaching out over there more the last couple of weeks, so I can keep connected with people who haven’t checked in here in months. I think it can still work out, it just takes time 🙂
Yeah I've still got friends there so I checkin once n a while. Kinda like a discord for me (I don't really discord much if anymore either). Them and alotta game devs are there so I like to find new indie titles
yeah, I don't think it has to be mutually exclusive, but there are lots of reasons not to want to be there, and even if there were nothing wrong going on over there, it's still a challenge to juggle multiple platforms as well. I'll balance what I can, but bsky is my home base 🙂
I'm with ya I'm getting spread out trying to bounce between places having separate friend pools.... Each place has their own quirks too, that's for sure.... But I'm mostly wandering now and got no home base
Davis post this on X I need to share it ☠️
oh you know it lol. I've been dabbling over there since joining a kickstarter to draw a cover a few weeks ago. 🙂
Davis on X: "✨niche✨" / ✨niche✨
when I logged in, I saw some people who hadn't posted for awhile here, so I started reaching out, following, posting some stuff, to test the waters. I want to support people where they are, too. I really wish people could leave there and come here and not lose their customers, network, etc. 🙃
I tried and felt so gross. The thought of me contributing even 1 cent to Elno Muskrat makes me sick so I once again promptly deleted it. Sad cause I really miss some of the people I follow there
yeah, it's really tough to reconcile the problems with the benefits over there. It's also a hassle to juggle multiple accounts. I'll continue checking in, finding friends, spreading my eggs in multiple baskets, etc, but my hope is bsky really takes over as the art hub.
It just doesn’t work for me anymore is the thing. I get so little interaction I always forget to even check it for a week or two. But it probably needs to break down for more people to stop being a thing.
I JUST SAW! It’s great. 💀🧡
thank you!! 🙂
At that point, might as well just say "on Elon Musk's vanity project".
My reaction to someone calling it "eks" unironically:
First phase of grief: denial x) The fifth phase is acceptance where you will delete your X account to join us here
Hahaha, I don't know if I'm helping or hurting that I recommend bluesky. The art community here is so refreshing (AND THEY TALK!) 🤭 I've missed the community part so much and I think so have a lot of people.
I think it’s helping and we have plenty of room for more artists! One of the things keeping some people from coming here is that not enough people have come here, so it’s a catch-22. Gotta keep recommending it! 🙂
Well, if I can catch 22, I get your dog! & Break! 👏 I feel good about this. 😏 [Joking; Give the puppers my hellos 🤭💕]
I consider it a compliment that you want my dogs. I respectfully decline but would still love if you to recommend bluesky to your friends lol 😂 I love it here, and I’m sure others would as well if they gave it a shot 🙂
This! I can write something or respond to someone that isn't a heavy issue of sort, and people still have conversations here! That happens so rarely on Twitter lately. If ever! 🥲
seriously, I feel this hard I keep trying to convince my followers from twitter and insta to come here and they just kind of seem to make this face at me when I ask it really sucks
We just gotta keep trying 🙂 I think this place is pretty great and I’ll keep pushing for it to succeed 🙂
I feel like Bluesky is just so chill. I think engagement isn't as crazy high for likes & reposts (at least I don't see as many as people on X seem to get), but the interactions you do get are way more genuine & feel more impactful😊
I agree, it consistently feels more like an actual interaction and conversation. It also feels more predictable, you know that there isn't a single algorithm deciding which of your friends will actually see what you post.
You'll have to pry bsky from my cold dead fingers before I leave. Twitter is unexpectable and threads blows 💅🏻
Every time I give Bluesky as an answer I always get "what's that?"/ "not Instagram?"/"why dont you post on Tiktok?" And I hurt inside lol Most normal people don't wanna hear my spiel about how I despise tiktok/IG 😂
Yeah it’s tough to migrate to new places if you don’t have the right mindset. I came to bluesky knowing literally only the one person who gave me an invite and he didn’t log in much. For some people that might just be too daunting if they’re not ready for it. And I understand. It takes time!
I know for it wasn't particularly troublesome because the jank algorithm on twitter/instagram never showed her posts to anyone even with proper tags, and so going from essentially zero views to zero but actually being able to be seen was an easy choice.
Yeah, that’s fair. I also had been on a socmed hiatus for about 3 years so I didn’t have anywhere else at the time either 😅 leaving people behind, loss aversion, etc, is tougher.
IG became trash as soon as Zuck bought it and TikTok…what a hell hole. Just be patient and interact and re-skeet. It’s all about interaction.
I’ve met some artists through platforms like Discord who are on here, but it still hurts that a platform with so many artists, like Bluesky, is still considered niche. That’s never a reason to give up on it though, I love it here 😊
Nope! And niche isn’t a bad thing imo. Having a smaller group of people with similar interests can be beneficial. There are trade offs either direction 🙂
can't spell "niche" without "nice" 👌 sorta *casually moves the H outta the way*
the nicest niche in all the interwebs 💙
My bestie keeps trying to evangelize Threads and I am very much "no." For being a more niche site, my photography has done better here than on Twitter. I love the vibes here.
yeah, they're network banned by most of the fediverse not without reason zuck isn't any better than musk (or any billionaire really), he's just better at striking deals with the us government
at least I could still see stuff in here without logging in, even tumblr will restrict your view these days
Yeah, that’s an individual user setting here. So some people’s posts might not be visible without logging on 🙂
Trying to main bsky more too! Felt alone as many artists still post/share/link the most at bird app (or forgot bsky altogether) while I have moved on & am not keeping my twitter up to date :0 Happy to see this comic & that artists are active here! :')
Heck yeah we are! 🙂
ahh the fucking expressions lol