
It's hard to explain how widespread the repercussions of overturning Chevron deference will be. Even if you narrow the scope down to tech policy, you're left wrangling a super-explainer on a friday afternoon
What SCOTUS just did to net neutrality, the right to repair, the environment, and The end of Chevron deference will touch on everything from broadband policy to climate change.
The damage will be terrible until we can get things back on track. But we can get things back on track.
Here’s the thing about the damage caused by #SCOTUScorruption – IT CAN BE REVERSED. Just like SCOTUS reversed Roe v. Wad, a future SCOTUS can undo the destruction that has been unleashed by the corrupted ideologues sitting in seats for which they are abysmally unqualified.
You're not wrong, but the probability of this happening is super low until the Dems and Liberals have their own "Federalist Society" like the GOP does. FedSoc is the home base for all the Judicial branch activism and action that the GOP has engaged in to control the courts.
The key in the interim is to treat these opinions as purely advisory. Ignore them; proceed with regulating as usual. In fact, do *even more aggressive* regulation and enforcement. Force oligarchs and corps to file more lawsuits indefinitely until a new court agrees.
The current SCOTUS won't hesitate to issue emergency orders if they do 🤷
So what if they do? Their orders are worthless. Biden can just declare "executive immunity" or "thunderer's blessing" or "no takesies-backsies" and tie up in other courts for years.