
It's hard to explain how widespread the repercussions of overturning Chevron deference will be. Even if you narrow the scope down to tech policy, you're left wrangling a super-explainer on a friday afternoon
What SCOTUS just did to net neutrality, the right to repair, the environment, and The end of Chevron deference will touch on everything from broadband policy to climate change.
I do want to emphasize this part as well! like yes we all know this but also really let’s not forget!
Call it what it is, a judicial coup.
And demand appropriate action from our bold and vigorous Commander-in-Chief
PS: If Biden's looking for a way to revive his candidacy, he should pack the Court immediately, framing it as a post-Jan. 6th nat'l security measure and a reclamation of executive powers SCOTUS has unconstitutionally usurped. People should press him to do that, if they're any more awake than he is.
1/2 I find it hard, as a Canadian, to overstate the absolute folly of the Western World's decision has been to concede collectively that the World Wide Web, at its core, is essentially American in its infrastructure and the home of ALL its dominant tech companies. An American Net never was neutral.
2/2 To put it in perspective, America owns both Microsoft & Apple. It owns Alphabet (so Google & YouTube), Bing, Yahoo, AOL, Mozilla. It owns X/Twitter, Neta, Cisco, NVidiam IBM, Netflix, EBay. Canada owns Pornhub. So I guess if the very-American Internet falls apart, we've protected SOMETHING.😒🍁
I did not know Pornhub was Canadian. I'm proud to be a dual citizen
It feels to me like right wing justices have been overturning regulations for any reason at any time before this decision. It makes it hard to appreciate the idea that they could actually do this more in the future than they already were
The damage will be terrible until we can get things back on track. But we can get things back on track.
Here’s the thing about the damage caused by #SCOTUScorruption – IT CAN BE REVERSED. Just like SCOTUS reversed Roe v. Wad, a future SCOTUS can undo the destruction that has been unleashed by the corrupted ideologues sitting in seats for which they are abysmally unqualified.
You're not wrong, but the probability of this happening is super low until the Dems and Liberals have their own "Federalist Society" like the GOP does. FedSoc is the home base for all the Judicial branch activism and action that the GOP has engaged in to control the courts.
The key in the interim is to treat these opinions as purely advisory. Ignore them; proceed with regulating as usual. In fact, do *even more aggressive* regulation and enforcement. Force oligarchs and corps to file more lawsuits indefinitely until a new court agrees.
The current SCOTUS won't hesitate to issue emergency orders if they do 🤷
So what if they do? Their orders are worthless. Biden can just declare "executive immunity" or "thunderer's blessing" or "no takesies-backsies" and tie up in other courts for years.
The man who declared America post racist & another that sites dark ages common law for rationalization of his vindictive rulings will now be ruling on laws argued by educated topic specialists & their counterparts corp shill industry hacks who bribe conservative SCOTUS justices with trips and prizes
Love the part where he says that a statute has one meaning that doesn't change from the moment it is passed and so it is suspect to change one's interpretation and new interpretations should not be credited. Bro, have you seen what your court has been up to for the past four years?
Like... isn't the current illegality of drugs based on the sort of delegation of power that the chevron deference revokes?
No. Controlled substance act and others names a bunch specifically. It *does* create wide latitude for agency action too though
Ahh, i couldn't remember. I just knew that the entire "Schedule" system was created so that congress could delegate the power to make drugs illegal quickly without an act of congress. I assumed it had never been codified, but that was just an assumption.
It's going to be full employment for expert witnesses for sure.
Avatar Here's a very simple explainer of exactly how fuct we are where a picture tells 1000 words: Ex Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, wearing Chevron as if he's employee of the month. As if. #auspol
I feel like the first scene of Fallout. We can see the mushroom cloud get bigger and bigger but for the moment no one else at the party is disturbed
Everything's going to go through courts now. Who the hell do they think they are