
I've read countless legal briefs from racial segregationists and literal white supremacists but I don't I've never seen anything quite as sneeringly stupid as this.
The complaint is here, but it's one of the grossest things I've read in a while so don't read before eating. I suppose I'm lucky that, as a non-TT person, no one is going to misrepresent me as "unqualified Asian gay man" — yet.
It's not even supposed to BE a legal brief If I were a judge, I'd make lawyers, out loud & in open court, read Fed. Rule of Civil Pro. 8(a), which requires a complaint to contain "a short and plain statement of the claim," & ask them if they think they complied. Other than that, I'd be a pussycat
"plaintiff FASORP has organizational standing to sue any university that refuses to adopt colorblind and sex-neutral faculty-hiring practices." Well, OK then. We'll just accept that asserion, shall we?
Do the words "private attorney general" mean nothing to you?