
I do have a favorite monospaced font. Consolas!
A man of taste and quality.
You find the l/1 near-collision tolerable? I know it's very common but I just can't stand it.
Oh, I hadn't noticed that. That would be bad, definitely. I got burned years ago debugging something where an O vs. 0 in a string made all the difference. Back then I was using Courier New (shudder). Do you have a suggestion for a better font?
I like Fira Code; you can disable the fancy ligatures if they get jarring, but I kind of like them.
I used to love consolas however I discovered while not as dense the serifs on courier new are superior. Glyphs in courier are not mirrored which makes it easier to read for people with dyslexia to read.
I spent hours trying to debug an issue where a certain string was not triggering an if-statement which looked like it should match. An "Oh" and a zero look virtually identical in Courier New. It is evil and must be destroyed.
A 0 is skinnier than an O or an o. I like the stroke in the consolas 0 but I still prefer the serifs of courier, prestige elite and UM Typewriter. I have spent a lot of time comparing for the best font on the wiki page for "list of monospace fonts." Courier is also W3 compliant.