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Zoologist, border collie mum, pagan, sci-fi and fantasy fan, and artist.

Everyone matters or nobody matters.
I've hardly noticed the passage of time this summer - I am aware of it, but it always seems to be near the middle of the month when I think it's just beginning. I don't think that is a good thing.
Asatru UK have published their first journal - Heathenry: The International Journal for Heathen Research.
When we lost Jaffa, in 2018, (the dog on the left in the banner), I had this feeling of a goddess taking care of dogs that had passed. Back then, I just assumed it was Frigg, because of the wolves of Odin, but last year I came across the goddess Nehalennia, and I now believe that the goddess was her
I am proud of my country today. It's not something that I normally say and I am usually very critical of it. I am proud because despite going through hard times and the world in general is in a mess, we haven't succumbed to the Far Right as many other European countries have. Bye bye, Tories.
Reposted byAvatar Icewolf
"Deep down here by the dark water lived old Gollum, a small slimy creature. I don’t know where he came from, nor who or what he was. He was Gollum — as dark as darkness, except for two big round pale eyes in his thin face." - J. R. R. Tolkien, "The Hobbit" 🎨Michael Hague #BookologyThursday
Reposted byAvatar Icewolf
Things I've spontaneously said to animals. Mailing list: Patreon:
Reposted byAvatar Icewolf
Nisse are Nordic fairies who resemble tiny, often bearded, people. They live on farms, acting as the places' secret guardians. They are also linked to the Winter Solstice and Christmas. In Scandinavia, a nisse often helps the Yule Goat to deliver Christmas presents. 🎨Jenny Nyström #FairyTaleTuesday
Reposted byAvatar Icewolf
For anyone who has a kindle, the beginning of the month is the best time to look for bargains as it's when they put on the new offers for .99p/£3.
This is not an endorsement, but pointing out things that The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists moniter for their assessment of the Doomsday Clock.
Ways that the world could end: Climate Change going out of control; Trump and Putin losing their shit with each other; Covid radically evolving and becoming more deadly than it is; A rogue AI controled military plane going AWOL and causing a major international incident; OR ALL 4 happening at once
I find it amusing when Tesco subsitutes something for the same thing...
Ways that the world could end: Climate Change going out of control; Trump and Putin losing their shit with each other; Covid radically evolving and becoming more deadly than it is; A rogue AI controled military plane going AWOL and causing a major international incident; OR ALL 4 happening at once
Today I am completely zapped of energy.
Occassionally, I come across interesting poetry from Old English/Anglo Saxon texts. My favourites are The Wanderer and Seafearer, but there is an e-book on the Project Guttenburg website that has others in it, called Old English Poems by Various, Translated by Cosette Faust Newton and Stith Thompson
Spent the morning sorting the back room out. Discovered that I have more organising space than I thought I did, mainly because there was crap in large drawers that didn't really need to be there. Now it's time to listen to a couple of hours of Return of the King via Listening Books.
Two series I am looking forward to this autumn... the second season of the Rings of Power and Channel 5's All Creatures Great and Small. I hope in the mean time that Channel 4 get off their asses and put Lego Masters: Austrilia on, which they've not done yet. We're two series behind now. I'm not -
I'm considering deleting my bluesky account because for some reason I seem to attract weirdos who snap at me and accuse me of stuff I've not done. I've not hurt anyone, I don't intend on harming people. It's not my thing, but folks seem to take their mental issues out on me.
I find it funny that the Daily Mail is moaning about what happened at Stonehenge because tomorrow, they will most likely be running a story that's degorgotary towards druids. (While I was at uni, they ran a load of anti urban fox articles that resulted in people interferring with badger setts.)
It's that time of year again when Just Cross Stitch release their Halloween issue... I'll now be stalking Newstand until hard copies are on sale there...
Media preferences I've discovered while doing art: Yay for: India ink, acrylic ink, watercolour (pans and pencils), waterproof fineliners... Will use but are neutral on: alcohol markers, colouring pencils (depends on quality), gouache. Will use but don't enjoy: acrylic paint.
I've been watching Supernatrual and I don't know why it's taken me so long to watch it. A little bit cliched with some episodes, but that happens when you've watched a lot of shows in the genre.
I am starting an experiemental art project using a magazine, gouache paint and tissue paper. Why? I had an old journal that I was painting in using acrylic paints but it appeared to react badly with the gesso I used to cover notes and lists on the pages and arcrylic paint sticks together when -
One thing that people need to know about the UK Reform Party before they consider voting for them is that one of their candidates think women shouldn't be allowed access to health care. Don't get sucked into the 'We'll make Britain Great Again' bollocks.
I'm glad I found #dogsofbluesky. I need more dogs on my feed.
The problem with the NHS is that you have to fight tooth and nail just to get the basic treatment that you are entitled to. This is just one example:
The town struggling to see a The difficulties faced by patients trying to access NHS care in Telford reflects UK-wide problems.
Avatar So did millions of other people, mainly because it didn't exist until the late 80's/early 90's, and most parents of that era were sensible and frugal.
Rishi Sunak: I went without Sky TV as a The PM says he sacrificed
There is a lady on youtube who makes art grimoires/journals out of magazines which is something I'd like to try with catalogues and other junk that I've got lying around but pages painted with acrylic paint stick to each other (I'm pretty sure that it's the gesso that causes it, rather than the -
Hail Nehalennia! Beautiful goddess of the hounds, trade, and the sea! Lost lady of the Vanir! Ancestor of Njord, Freyja, and Freyr!