
Things I've spontaneously said to animals. Mailing list: Patreon:
As a wildlife rehabber I have cussed out* so many baby animals that I’ve lost count. *”For the love of god, please eat the fucking formula or you’ll die you obstinate little bastard” muttered quietly, under my breath, at 11:30 PM.
Thank you for your heroism in the face of such obstinate jerks!
Me, to a sick newt: eat, you fucking moron
I mean, you just have to say good morning to a face like this
There’s wisdom in those eyes.
Once said, "Hello there, handsome," to a magpie. And I've apologized to many creatures for scaring them.
I frequently compliment magpies. They are so handsome! And the way they flout it, they definitely know it.
After they've gone to all the trouble to dress up in their tuxedos, they deserve some recognition of it!
Most recently "I'm sorry but you have too many legs and therefore belong outdoors" And "I know those flowers are irresistible but you need to be outside"
Because my name is German for "Goose,", I greet those guys by saying, "hello cousin!"
And we have a lot of them here at Lake Merritt in Oakland.
I have also said many of these things to animals.
I say “same to you, buddy” to a crow at least once a day
Well sure, but that’s crows.
But do you ever catch yourself bobbing your head and shoulders when you do? It’s kinda hard not to meet their energy.
Oh good thank you for making me feel less crazy for doing that
I saluted a deer once. Either you’re not crazy or we all are.
I'm always saying "where are your squirrel skills?!" 😂
I do this constantly lmao. I like, reflexively greet animals and I’ve let a mockingbird know how impressed I am with its repertoire. Anytime I see a Monarch butterfly I tell it Godspeed.
Aw you're nice ❤️Just last night I said to a firefly "oh honey don't go in the house, that's a bad idea!" but mostly I'm more like waking up at 4 am and yelling at a bird "why are you up so early and why are you so loud about it?!"
i mostly feel sympathy with the wrens in the nearby tree when they wake up before the sun and complain about it at top volume, but also that is what i want to do now, thanks a lot, you monsters woke me up 😠
I mean I guess the early bird gets the worm and all but come on is there really THAT much competition for worms? can you even FIND worms in the dark?
exactly! the sun hasn't even started false dawn yet, and if they were hungry for the moths around the streetlamps, yelling won't help catch them.
Almost everything in the natural world gets a greeting from me at one point or other. Acknowledging the creatures, complimenting the plants; it’s perfectly normal to say hi to the neighbors and wish them well (in some cases, from a respectful distance!)
whenever I capture a spider and release it outside, I assure it that it will like it better out there.
I didn't even realize that I do this...until I heard my students copy my exact wording when escorting spider-friends out the library back door 😹
That's how you know you're a good influence on your students! 😄
We apologize for scaring the birds when we're out canoeing. Or for getting too close to the nest (mostly swallows and blackbirds) "yes, yes, we see you, we're going."
And I love that you included an audax! I always wave pinkie and forefinger at them to mimic their displays, since I know if I can see them, they can certainly see me!
Jumping spiders are amazing. Sounds like you already know this, but for other folks: jumping spiders have the best sight out of any spiders. They can solve puzzles, and have long memories. They have distinct personalities, and many varieties make friendly pets.
I definitely have told penguin chicks, "I'm so proud of you!"
At a wildlife refuge last week we spotted FOUR basking garter snakes in a small area and I scream-whispered "HELLO BEAUTIFUL BABIES!" I also apologized to them when us standing there too long unnerved a couple of them. I often ask alarm-calling birds what's bothering them.
I talk to animals constantly. The most frequent thing I say, though, is “Oh, dude, *no*,” usually to squirrels being brainless but also to small raccoons and the occasional spider failing to respect personal space. They sometimes also get a “Seriously?!”
I talk more to animals than I do to humans. Today alone I have complimented several common wood pigeons for their pleasing plumpness, an adoslescent magpie for being a very good gal, and told a Canadian goose to chill. It happens.
You just *have* to compliment the porch alligators (western fence lizards) on their little push ups! They are trying so hard to impress! 💚
I regularly make fun of the squirrels in my back yard when they fail to get food out of the bird feeder or eat the spicy suet
I've asked Canada Geese if it was okay to pass them, then tell them they take good care of their family.
Hello! May I pass? *Hiss* Thank you! Take good care of your family! *Hiss*
I’m always talking to the yard critters.
This past weekend I tried to hold a conversation with a pair of ravens picking over my mulch for food. ...they were not chatty.
I go running by a lake that has quite a few ducks, and I go "it's just me, I won't hurt you", almost every time. Not that they care, because they are so used to humans that even one running at them gives them no pause.
If I'm walking around and any of the varied urban wildlife gets near me it's usually a, "Hey little guy, watcha doing?" So I'm glad to learn I'm not the only one who does this. 😄
Me to a mama mallard: “listen, you KNOW we have mink here, you gotta keep the babies closer together!”
I always make sure to say ‘excuse me’ (to bugs and things I might startle or need to move) but sometimes also ‘SLOW DOWN’ (hummingbirds flying into my head) or ‘go home you’re drunk’ (June beetles flying into my head)
I'm not proud of it but I always say "dog" when I see an animal, not just dogs but also cats and pigeons.
Word for word I said something similar to the same animals ❤️
Aww, same! To all the critters big and small! ❤️