Debbie Alexander

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Debbie Alexander

Teacher, grandma, lover of all things coding and STEM. #MinecraftEDU is my choice for #GBL and #Python coding. I am a #MIEEexpert and a #MicrobitChampion who just wants to keep giving to kids and educators as long as I can make a difference. #EduSky
Man, it's rough out there. What's wrong with social events and stuff? Where did this all become so hard for people?
I think you are experiencing the kind of bonding you get with others when you have been through a battle together...
Geez, and if the sign says bring bear spray, for pity's sake, bring bear spray. A moose is not Bambi. A bear cub is not a teddy bear. And put out your campfire.
I'm all for inquiry learning. It's just a lousy way to learn to drive a car on the highway. Blocks, sand boxes, play grounds... we all need room for exploration and wonder. But not all growth occurs best as a personal mountain climbing experience. Here's to good balance! #EduSky
I read a fascinating (but furiously Lamarkian) article on human bipedalism. ISTM that growing intelligence in humans was accompanied by greater vulnerability in offspring. Using your arms to hold your progeny became a necessary tool for passing your genes down. #EduSky #Biol
The goals, desires, and tone, yes. but the advice... My take: If sensible people (a subset of "regular people") delay shares/comments due to the unreliability of early reporting, the natural consequence is a flood of the worst info shared by the biggest reactors. #EduSky
Some students are confused by your decision not to include a slide deck? I am wondering if they are expressing their need for notes and highlighted topics? IDK how AI plays in here, but big splashy pics aren't the solution to every problem, that's for sure! :) #EduSky
We don't see kids sitting in rows staring at a person talking to them telling them what to do. We don't see kids with *just* pencils and paper or books. Where are the games? There are many things to check. #EduSky #GBL
I would never test a library call. I would always thoroughly test my own code or a colleague's. If they are being reused in my software, they get tested in a bottom-up fashion. /me wonders if she got your question quite right #EduSky
The image is startling. How many of those kids go home and sit in front of paper? Let's invest in research on how students learn now. Let's update colleges to create effective classroom teachers. With enough $$$$$. This is our future. What else is worth investing in? #EduSky
Lol, I hope you'll forgive a grandmother who's been reminiscing with friends about life 60 years ago... It really was a murderous amount of work for small output, but it was a glorious process in a way, index cards, vertical files, and all! Sorry you have to scramble to get what you need!
Sounds easier than life in 1970, anyways... I understand respecting copyright. The school should consider what access is needed, and pay for it, I guess.
✨Spice up your choice boards with catchy quest titles! Use Generative AI to brainstorm fun and engaging titles for tasks on your choice board. 5 Tips to Use AI to Gamify Your Class - Teacher Tech with Alice Keeler #EduSky #AIteacher #gamification
5 Tips to Use AI to Gamify Your Gamification is great for engaging students, however can be challenging to create. Use AI to gamify your class faster!
Can you get it to create the image with a transparent background? Or to make it in png layers?
That sounds like a good suggestion. I wonder if you could ask for a banner. Or open space where you you could add your own text.
So tricky! Excessive force and restraint is, by definition, out of bounds. Those who work with individuals with unpredictable and potentially damaging behavior deserve a safe workplace. The needs of both must be met. We see both problems in the news. #EduSky
I admire her. Definitely a good investment.
I see what you did there 😏 (tee hee) That's the sam tip in photo editors, too. I use it in #GIMP all the time. Thanks!
"Struggle" is poorly defined. My kids struggled to kill Garland in Final Fantasy. My kids struggled to complete an excessive written project. My kids struggled to attend a team meeting after a conflict with the coach. Capricious application is worse than no application here.
Well, fortunately, the Heritage Foundation and similar aren't the Republican party any more than the radical left are the Democrats. The two party system has advantages. The huge disadvantage is its resistance to change. In our rapidly changing society, we feel this deeply. It *is clamorous. *bleh*
Hints: pick animals in #MinecraftEdu like axolotyls and glowing squids Find things that go fast or explode or eat other things! 🦈 There are super "browsing" fact books for reluctant readers. Librarians rock this stuff!
Ahhh, do you do Minecraft already? We will be besties!
It was a publicly traded stock.I would buy stock in Diffit. Excellent product. It will B.o.o.m.
So much fun!!! I love teaching the middle schoolers. Do you know if you will be able to get #MinecraftEdu subscriptions?
I appreciate AI feedback on my writing. I write poorly, and typically revise 5-6 times. The feedback gives me early options and brainstorming thoughts for restating and clarifying. I'm still the author, but it helps.