
This is 100% true.
Also I want to tell everyone that we cradle Catholics utterly reject any kind of Catholic convert, except for your cousin-in-law who did it so your cousin could have a church wedding because we know what Catholic converts are about, which is weirdness
trad caths are a literal heresy and even we bad Catholics know this! it’s like, listen: real Catholics go to church on Easter and Christmas and we’re Catholics because our parents were, not because we have weird Deus Vult fantasies trad caths are literally Protestants
Yeah. I'm a cradle Catholic who recently decided to switch to Presbyterian. I've never had issues with my super-Catholic family (like, curing diseases with cloth soaked in the blood of a martyr Catholics) but man those converts are a frightening cult in some cases.
almost every case- and they are sedevacantists too, which shows some fuckin nerve considering they just showed up
LOL. Yes. I taught RCIA once at a pretty progressive church and one of the wanna-be Catholics started saying that all popes should be beatified if they haven't already and totally didn't understand why the priest, nuns, and I started cracking up.
aren’t they just the most precious things ever? Screaming about the pope not being valid, demanding Latin mass
One of my doctors was a Catholic convert, only went to Latin Mass, and subsequently died of Covid because it “wasn’t a big deal” and felt protected by the rosary in his lab coat pocket 🤦‍♀️
Ugh! Sometimes I remind my students that Mendel was a priest. And because they're American, they're often surprised that a highly religious person could found modern genetics and evolutionary theory. Which says a lot more about our country than the Catholic church. It's honestly sad.
the Vatican has its own observatory and always has
I used a very old student id to get into the vatican at a discount and worry the catholics will avenge this.
Honestly, some of the medieval popes stooped to murder to get into the vatican, so we've really got bigger fish to fry.
other things on our minds
we’re fine with it
When I was in graduate school all the Catholics I knew were scientists and doctors. I was the humanities outlier. (We were also all left-of-center moderates but since then we’ve become flaming liberals without altering our opinions that much. Sigh.)
well, they’re happier dead anyway, so
Doesn’t it ever occur to these people that God gave scientists the intelligence to find cures so we can heal ourselves?
it does to most Catholics but the trads are Protestants basically