CK DexterHaven

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CK DexterHaven

Chief Cat wrangler @ HouseOfPotats. I foster cats and tiny kittens. I also do pet hospice mentoring. Holler if you need help! [email protected]

♿️ Long🦠,🐈, MilHist,news and mews
One of the big challenges of moving in with the parent is the constant, gentle pushback on being treated like an unruly teen. Yes Mom, I’m sure I know what I want to eat. No Mom, I’m fine. Functioning adult and everything. Deep breath in, deep breath out. Aging in place ain’t easy
So two of the tinies passed overnight (the two smallest). My friends found another kitten later in the evening. That one is doing okay. So 4 total and they’re moving over to the nursery team today! They’re benefitting from a new protocol where we vaccinate babies on intake to reduce panleuk risk
Baby update- mom cat never returned and the tinies were tangled In placenta. They’ve been untangled and are getting settled overnight.
Baby update- mom cat never returned and the tinies were tangled In placenta. They’ve been untangled and are getting settled overnight.
So asking for good vibes and prayers. These little ones were just born under the deck at the house in Austin. We think mom got startled and are hoping she comes back. If you don’t have very specific skill sets (which my friends do),these are kittens who you’d want to rescue now 1/
After 20 years on this earth, Skritch passed away in his sleep this afternoon. He was 5ish when he first wandered into Mom’s back yard. He went from wary stray to wary, beloved garage cat. In his last years, he’d sleep in a closet overnight, then bask in the sun He was adored, and will be missed.
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Reposted byAvatar CK DexterHaven
"Pace myself up". I know it's REALLY hard to grok, but pacing is not about increasing what you can do a little every day until you're back to normal. That's graded exercise therapy, and it does not work for people with PEM. 🧪 #MECFS #LongCOVID Pacing is this:
Reposted byAvatar CK DexterHaven
The only redeeming part of Farage getting elected is he's about to discover how much work being a constituency MP is. The downside is the people of Clacton are going to discover how fucking lazy he is. They deserve better.
Reposted byAvatar CK DexterHaven
I'm a little late but wanted to join in :-). Acrylic on canvas.
Reposted byAvatar CK DexterHaven
Hot Weather Facts time! Did you know that the criteria for Environment Canada declaring a Heat Warning are different, depending on region? This explains why my area (Inland Vancouver Island) is NOT under a heat warning rn, but East Vancouver Island is. Details here:
Reposted byAvatar CK DexterHaven
NO KINGS. That's the bare minimum these days. NO KINGS. NO KINGS. NO KINGS.
Reposted byAvatar CK DexterHaven
honestly hate that every time there's an industry bad actor, lists of "works by marginalized authors to support instead" start circulating like it's a moral obligation to be done out of guilt, & it's crickets every other day of the year. my art is not to be taken in as a reactionary measure
Reposted byAvatar CK DexterHaven
"Alexander Cat-milton, My name is Alexander Cat-milton." Happy #FourthOfJuly !
Flavor is flat, kind of really weak hot chocolate. Marshmallows dissolve, So no texture contrast. Nothing that says Graham in the flavor profile. Edible but not a repeat.
Review pending
Flavor is flat, kind of really weak hot chocolate. Marshmallows dissolve, So no texture contrast. Nothing that says Graham in the flavor profile. Edible but not a repeat.
Reposted byAvatar CK DexterHaven
The thing is, the disabled are a population of enraged people. The disabled are carrying a deep rage because not only is ableism embedded in nearly everything in our world, but people without our vulnerabilities are hostile to making anything better for us. Also society does not accept our rage.
What’s your non lamy/pilot fountain pen of choice around $25-$40
Jesus godamned fucking tapdancing Christ. That is not a firework you shoot off in a residential neighborhood
Mom- was she born in a barn Me- well…I mean yes?
If you’re in an employer/employee relationship- don’t engage in sex acts. Period. Consent in this situation is problematic at best.
If you’re looking for a Red State to find groups to work with- look at Texas. We were close to shifting purple in 2020. Organizers there are exhausted. Abortion and trans youth care in particular need help. We’re dropping doctors like flies.
Pointing again at my US Blue State Challenge. If you live in a "blue state", pick the red state you hate the most and the issue you care about the most and find a group in that state working on that issue and support them.
Me- I’m fine! I can make a trip to the drugstore Body- hmmm, let’s make you dizzy at the pharmacy counter, and send all your blood to pool in the extremities! Me- yup, horizontal the rest of the day over here. Body- don’t forget the fan
This is a good reminder. Folks are being more careful about calls from unknown numbers. Which could be self selecting certain types of voters for polls.
My extremely normie parents have been on the “hang up the phone if it’s someone you don’t know” tip for their entire lives and so are basically all their friends and family.
Reposted byAvatar CK DexterHaven
I am literally a professional politics-knower and I can confirm that our ability to predict what will happen next is literally never as good as pundits like to pretend it is. As I tell my grad students, social science doesn't do point predictions.