
Doesn't this make the UK currently worse than even the worst US state?
they’re worse on a lot of stuff. they made marijuana a more of a crime by changing its class. They’re worse on trans. they are no better on racism and immigration than America may be worse. The UK is going backwards faster than the United States.
I reckon we will be replacing our right wing horror show government with a centrist government pretty soon. That’s what millions of us are holding on to. Economically, Brexit ruined this country except for oligarchs & headbangers who attend Florida think tank conferences. We’re not having it
Brexit was a disaster for the UK … it won’t be an easy path back. There is some anger and bitterness towards the UK over how your representatives behaved. Very rude.. they even threw a 2 finger salute on the way out! they are not just gonna open the door here for you.