deep coffee

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deep coffee

In The Dispossessed there is a character who writes plays. He is a long time friend of Shevek’s, the main protagonist. He writes a satirical play, to which his peers seem to enjoy, but to others it’s met with disapproval and he gets socially ostracized over it.
Forgot that I got a physical copy of Riven several years ago at a garage sale. I never played it but I want to play this remake.
I woke up in the middle of the night with this really interesting premise for a story. I don’t know now if I really actually was awake or not and if I dreamt this, and it was some kind of false awakening where I was dreaming about having this idea… or if I woke up from the dream that was the story
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Picked my first edible mushroom today (I think!), but I’m afraid to eat it. I am like 90% on it… but I don’t know. 😬 There’s another plant, too. One you find something it’s like learning a new word, in languages ancient and forgotten.
i follow some 3D artists and illustrators/concept artists in various places, but if there’s anything i feel like i need it’s more. and stuff that feels unique. i peeped an old classmates tumblr and they have one where they’ve been sharing cool art stuff for years now.
i played this on mobile and didn’t think that worked usually
"My body, which I had known so well for 25 years, became on the screen a grainy, unfamiliar landscape requiring new tools of navigation." —Felix Lecocq
was about to go on some big personal thing but now i’m not and i can’t even remember what it was anymore. i’m trying to show myself a bit of dignity.
big tree fell. it was taken by the big wind.
the carless life has allowed for so many interesting experiences and observations, mostly from slowing down, and i love walking and the satisfying feeling of riding a bike. i may return to the car life. i worry however it might take over and make me lazy and my mind will return to normal.
I sincerely hate cars. Everything about the contemporary culture concerning cars is just disgusting. Somehow US has it on steroids with the gigantic cars, miniscule space for everybody else and so on
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i feel, for some reason, reminded of my college drawing teacher who was cool but was also like, “please explain to me… the videogames…” and that has been my life in some form or another
really it’s been an insightful past several months, despite an incredible amount of stress sometimes.
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I've been playing SKALD: AGAINST THE BLACK PRIORY since it released earlier this week, and, wow. The writing needs polish, but the world vibes, C64-style graphics, and the modernization of classic CRPG mechanics is wonderful. And all for <$20! I just wish it had a proper 4:3 240p mode for my CRT.
i am on a downward spiral but just trying to stay cool
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My shifty toys and masks are now available at Archimedes Gallery!
i had this insight that this (kind of unresolved) “nostalgia” phase I went through was actually non-existent. It was me ceasing to experience my history of being into videogames as a conventionally understood line of time, from “point A” (the past, childhood, teenage-hood) to point B (the present).
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Congrats to on their demo release of SCHiM! Some nice coverage on Aftermath. 👇 #GamingNews #IndieGame #Gaming
Shadow platforming game SCHiM has a Steam demo out, and it's super fun
i woke up yesterday feeling good. i felt this strong yearning for adventure. similarly today, i woke up with the same feeling.
my sisters house has grass roof. aside from that unique feature, it’s not much of a hobbit house. it looks like something you’d find at a beach or maybe the desert. it rained a bit and i guess it just soaks all the water up. they tore out the wood floors, so it’s just concrete. it feels sobering.