
I don't think everyone is "suddenly" having adhd and autism. I think millennials were raised by parents who were ashamed of having children that weren't "normal" so we were forced to mask so hard that we "seemed" normal but were "just a little strange" and now we're all learning to unmask.
I was diagnosed with adhd at age 30. I found out I had celiac via a genetic test... meanwhile my childhood doctor threatened to call CPS on my parents because I was not growing and was in the 0% for growth for most of my childhood but never thought to run tests? I'm salty.
Damn 😫 I grew up in the Boston area and my parents were in the military when they had my older sister.. she was lactose intolerant and military doctors couldn't figure it out, she almost died.. my mom took her home to Boston and in one visit problem solved.. everyone should have access to good care
It took 6 months of military doctor visits and malnutrition to very dangerous levels but one trip in Boston's children hospital and she was a whole new kid