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Professional Heelyer. I take pictures of cats. Hot grandma. 👵🏼 Sci-fi nerd.

Recovering board gamer. Celiac.
Happy 8th birthday to my best friend.
Reposted byAvatar Bebo
Reposted byAvatar Bebo
Hard side eye for any academics blorping on about using AI, it’s an ethical disaster in every dimension and the failure to acknowledge that vs trying to look shiny & clever for the bandwagon is frankly embarrassing.
Google’s emissions are up 48% in 5 years. Microsoft’s are up 30% since 2020. Those soaring figures are being driven by mass investments in data centers to power AI tools. Generative AI is a climate disaster and data center expansion must be stopped.
Generative AI is a climate Tech companies are abandoning emissions pledges to chase AI market share
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Seattle residents! Contact your City Council people before Tuesday to express support for this legislation. It waives codes that currently make it impossible to convert office spaces to residential ones. This will help with the housing crisis!
Seattle City Council to vote on converting empty office space into The legislation would waive land use code requirements for existing non-residential allowing them to be converted into residential use.
Do all yard work shoes have bad vibes or just the ones I'm finding? Recommendations?
Reposted byAvatar Bebo
Just in case you need some cute to distract from the hellishness of all that surrounds us, this is how one of the local animal rescues is helping the bb squirrels stay cool during the heatwave (Image is from WildCare's fb account)
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Nobody should have to work after 8 pm unless they want to. Make it a law that everyone is entitled to 8 hours of sleep per night, even the president, Joe.
Man, idk if this is going to work out
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✨summer proof of life✨
Doing wall repairs and looking very 80s today
Reposted byAvatar Bebo
The bad place kinda sounds preferable TBH
Reposted byAvatar Bebo
I've sold 51 of these skorts! Thank you so much! I need to sell about 65 of them to make these happen! Please continue to share so I can make these happen. I just need to sell another 14 by July 19th! We're at 78% to my goal! Were so close!! Keep sharing please!
These skorts are now both available for pre-order! Please share! I need to sell 65+ of them so I can make them a reality. We're 1/3 way there. Otherwise I'll have to refund people. They are Skorts (A skirt with shorts underneath) with garter straps to hold the socks up. Which one are you getting?
Reposted byAvatar Bebo
i want to add: if you’ve stopped masking for whatever reason, you can start again. it makes spaces more accessible, it helps preserve your health and the health of the people around you. it’s a tiny action you can take to make the world safer.
"If only I could do something that would have a positive impact on the world-" You can. Mask up.
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Reposted byAvatar Bebo
clout is too dangerous for anyone to possess it’s like the one ring
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the forbidden tiny garlic
Leaving out a plate of poppers and a glass of gunpowder for the ghost of George Washington as is independence eve tradition
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she’s a 10 but 10 piece mcnuggets
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Reposted byAvatar Bebo
I know that I'm an outlier on this, but I think judges should be required to recuse themselves if they know any of the attorneys representing any of the parties more than casually. If you've ever had dinner together, you shouldn't be allowed to decide their case.
just throwing things out there, but there really should be a moratorium on judges handling cases litigated by their former firm/employer for some reasonable period. two years? three years? i would rather not haver to consider whether i want to take a case litigated by the judge's former colleagues.
Reposted byAvatar Bebo
"There's no way it could have been abuse/that bad, because I stayed/kept going back." Yeah, unless you were conditioned by CPTSD to believe you couldn't do better, "deserved" it, and/or it was safer to stay or go back than to leave. Also, there's this thing called dissociation.
I have a friend who invented the technology (solar powered bouys) to cool the coral reefs if anyone wants to speak to him. Just saying.
Either all the annoying tech bros are reclaimed by the ocean OR they fix the climate. Everybody wins [except for all of the wildlife ☹️]
Reposted byAvatar Bebo
This is the truest thing I have seen all week.
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The faith tech startups have in their ability to solve problems that they have never studied.. is a cancer on society
“Somewhat alarmingly, none of Sonia’s founders have backgrounds in psychology. But Aeberli [the CEO] says that the startup consults with psychologists, recently hired a cognitive psychology graduate, and is actively recruiting a full-time clinical psychologist.”
Sonia's AI chatbot steps in for therapists | Sonia is a new chatbot app that aims to provide an AI-powered 'therapist' for users to speak with on a range of topics.
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Reposted byAvatar Bebo
right under our noses
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He should create a web of car thieves to steal every trans am in the country. Park them on the lawns of the SC justices and kill their grass/property values.
Okay, folks, who is putting together the list of the funniest crimes that Biden should be committing between now and election day to highlight the absurdity of today's immunity ruling? Not the stuff like assassinations. Just stuff to make a point.
Reposted byAvatar Bebo
If you’re masking, & especially if it’s because you care about disability justice or community care: Each form of privilege you have should make your advocacy LOUDER. If you’re able-bodied, white, cis, straight, a man… put on your n95 & speak up. Stop leaving the most labor to the most vulnerable.
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Today is the last day to snag something for half price from I hope you get the one you've been waiting for! Thanks to everyone who adopted my art so far. Chris is handling a big chunk of shipping today. More soon.
Home from Tess Fowler Welcome to Tess Fowler Art
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