
Crime the crown legalised & continue imo. “Would that be the reaction if we weren’t talking about Māori land? If we were talking about the property rights of Pākehā landowners? Where are all the “one law for all” warriors when it comes to laws that only disadvantage Māori?” #NZpol
The pain of perpetual leases | The scheme is “one that many in Aotearoa are either unaware of, or have come to accept as a fact of life — an ongoing injustice that’s baked into the law books and become too hard to undo.” — Eugene B...
I saw a Mata programme on this and was shocked how widespread these leases are. I was aware of them in Taranaki, but not elsewhere.
I was shocked too. I knew they were out there but not how widespread. It’s an injustice that needs to be addressed.