D Jukic

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D Jukic


Enthusiastic amateur gardener. Dalmatian. Croatian. Pākehā. Tangata Tiriti. Parent. Partner. Baba. Teta. Cis. She/her. 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
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David Cameron spent several years campaigning on the slogan “Broken Britain” Sound familiar? That was the start of Britain being broken by the Tories. We can't let Luxon and his cronies do the same here. #nzpol
An (incomplete) list of every terrible policy the Conservatives have inflicted on Britain since 2010 | Jonn Elledgewww.theguardian.com Readers, brace yourselves, says the writer Jonn Elledge
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Does Workplace Relations Minister Brooke Van Velden understand the international treaties that New Zealand is a party to and her legal obligations to consult with unions? She should read ILO Convention 144 on Tripartite Consultation and what it means. #nzpol newsroom.co.nz/2024/07/02/w...
Workplace Relations Minister hasn't met unions fox six monthsnewsroom.co.nz Brooke van Velden is confident she’s hearing from the right people despite not meeting with any worker union groups since January.
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Good summary of aonz government's first 6 months #nzpol
I know the latest NZ election outcome was less than good, but jesus.
“A former Kāinga Ora board member, who is also Aotearoa’s top housing academic, has condemned the Bill English’s ‘damning’ review of KO as ideologically pre-cooked by English & Housing Minister Chris Bishop, as well as being either ignorant or incorrect about the facts of the company itself” #nzpol
Bernard's Chorus for Monday, July 8thekaka.substack.com Chris Bishop's plan for more houses has the same flaw that Phil Twyford's had; Former Kāinga Ora board member scathing on Bill English's 'pre-cooked & wrong' report; The Nature Positive way
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If you're in Wgtn, come along to Unity Books at 6pm on 1st August and join us welcoming these two books into the world. Drinkies and food while we chat. #AotearoaBooks #pukapuka #NZbooks
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Neal Barclay Meridian - 1.6 million a year Malcolm Johns Genesis - 1.2 million a year Mike Fuge Contact - 2.1 million a year Vince James Hawkworth Mercury - 3 million a year Yet these families have to pay hundreds of dollars in reconnection fees when they fall behind on their exorbitant bills.
'We used the pools for a hot shower': Families go months without power because of non-paymentwww.nzherald.co.nz Households choose between heating and cooking to keep the power on.
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You see these budgeting your way out of poorness puff pieces every election cycle when National is at the helm. You have less because they are syphoning money from the poor to the rich, EOS
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TVOne News is a disgrace.
Puff piece lead 1News tonight trying to reframe the narrative around coal to be about getting a fair deal, with no mention of environmental destruction and climate change
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Well France apparently just collabed between everyone else to kick a far right party out of the chance to take power, it can be done if enough people want it to be, folks
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BREAKING NEWS: Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which instead came in third in initial results as polling stations closed.
Projections in France's election show voters rejecting the far rightwww.npr.org Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which ...
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"Would that be the reaction if we ... were talking about the property rights of Pākehā landowners? Where are all the “one law for all” warriors when it comes to laws that only disadvantage Māori?" The pain of perpetual leases e-tangata.co.nz/history/the-...
The pain of perpetual leases | E-Tangatae-tangata.co.nz The scheme is “one that many in Aotearoa are either unaware of, or have come to accept as a fact of life — an ongoing injustice that’s baked into the law books and become too hard to undo.” — Eugene B...
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It's so simple. But the crown doesn't clean up its messes. That's why settlements for breaching te Tiriti are so low. That's why Māori land is underuntilised. That's why there are such disparity in education & health
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The crown has been aware of these for a long time. They are not interested. These should be removed immediately
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If compensation is needed for the farmers who thought their stolen leases were forever, then the party who made this mess (The Crown) will just have to clean it up.
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The one from Mata Reports showed it most starkly. As for compromise, it seems like that's only ever expected from the land owners and farmers throw a tantrum at even that. No review is needed. The owners of the land should be able to continue to lease it or not at their own discretion.
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You know all those new drawing posts I've been sharing over the last few weeks? Did you see that I did something with them? Teatowels are now available on my website. www.thesewphist.com/product/pre-...
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Three things the FSU got wrong this week: - they didn't end up taking New Plymouth CAB to judicial review for cancelling a TERF booking. They realised they had no case. - they are arguing a registered nurse can't have her private social media regulated by the nursing council.
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if you ever donated a 24” iMac to my recycling shenanigans, you might like to know that these three friends outlasted the charity to which they were donated, and are here being refurbished for a second time. The Jobs-era Apple did not suck.
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"It is important to not simply roll over and play dead" in the face of SCOTUS's "astonishing" immunity opinion, says Laurence Tribe. He lays out some of the ways this decision can be reigned in — as well as how the Court can repair its reputation. #Velshi www.msnbc.com/ali-velshi/w...
Tribe: We cannot ‘roll over and play dead’ in face of ‘astonishing’ immunity rulingwww.msnbc.com Harvard Law School Constitutional Law Professor Laurence Tribe speaks to MSNBC's Ali Velshi about concrete steps Americans can take to push back against the Supreme Court decision granting Donald Trum...
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i just watched that, what a pathetic abdication of journalistic responsibilities.
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Puff piece lead 1News tonight trying to reframe the narrative around coal to be about getting a fair deal, with no mention of environmental destruction and climate change
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