
co-sign but i will add: i don't know the best path but i do know the worst path, and that's replacing him with anyone other than kamala, via any process whatsoever.
I have no idea the best path re Biden but I do know a solid week straight of “Biden Old” and “Rich Dems Worried” above-the-fold stories are *obscene* in the face of SCOTUS using the Constitution to wipe their asses purely in the service of reinstating a felon rapist as president. Crazy-making shit.
a kamala + old white guy governor (cooper, walz) ticket honestly might have a shot
If that's your ticket, explain how it could be any better than Harris plus Biden, lol. You're basically describing "Biden/Harris but with no machine."
The reason for replacing Biden is that he’s mentally incapacitated. Well, and unpopular. Any old white guy who isn’t would have an advantage over Biden
Only if voters vote based on who is actually suited to be great at president stuff. (This is obviously not true, since Trump is in the race.) What evidence do we have that voters base their votes on the objective mental fitness of a candidate, and not, say, a combo of platform, inertia, and vibes?
The perception that somebody’s brain can’t do brain things has an impact on vibes. Trump is of course ridiculous and ignorant, but no more so than he was ten years ago. There is a growing belief that Biden has deteriorated
Having an impact on vibes is legit. However, Trump repeatedly fell asleep in court (and reportedly worse) and is markedly less coherent than before. Lack of a freak out on GOP side either suggests that freaking out and changing horses is a bad strat, or that this is just a media coverage problem
Might have to disagree on “markedly less coherent.” Trump had been saying unhinged shit for years. And his mind doesn’t conspicuously reboot mid sentence
Conservatives stopped freaking out once Trump wrapped up the nomination in 2020. They’ve been unanimously-ish behind him ever since. And they have nobody else on deck
Right. But crucially, Dems also don't have anyone on deck. If the freakouts would stop, there would be parity. The freakouts are the problem, not mental stability or suitability.
Oh, hard disagree. That's why so many people can successfully mimic a trump speech, you just change topics via free association seven or eight times and never return to what you were saying. And he's definitely gotten worse.
Ok, Mr Man. It’s possible that I missed something, fully granting that, but what has DJT said recently that’s significantly worse than anything he said in 2020 or 2016? The Hannibal Lecter stuff isn’t worse, it’s just weird
It doesn't matter if Trump is in the race, you're not competing for the same set of voters as him whatsoever. If someone wants to vote for Trump, they're voting for Trump and you're not changing their mind at this point. This is about increasing turnout among people who dislike both candidates.
It's about *winning.* Does winning require increasing turnout from reluctant voters? Or would it be better to "hold on" to the voters who voted Biden last time?