
The great thing about a writing career is that you're almost always waiting on tenterhooks for something. At any moment, your Inbox could drop a cubic crapton of dopamine into your system. The terrible thing about a writing career is that you're almost always waiting on tenterhooks for something...
It's like every day is a slot machine.
The more things change...Around 1980 (in the days before e-mail, that is), Robert A. Heinlein wrote something to the effect that the high point of a professional writer's day was usually waiting for the (postal) mail, and the low point was usually right after it arrived. 📫 🤦
I’ve only just started putting my own writing out there this year. I’ve sent just a few small things out to relatively low stakes things and yet already it is wild how crazy the dopamine ride is - my inbox contains the sound desk to my neurotransmitters and I am barely learning how to ride it
This is why I feel so constantly unnerved.