iasmin omar ata △ (delta)

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iasmin omar ata △ (delta)


⭐️ Award-winning comics/games maker, writer, & illustrator
📚 Nayra and the Djinn, Mis(h)adra
💙 IDW Sonic (writing & covers)
📝 Views r my own
⭐️ let's have a good day ok

🖋️ iasminomarata.com
📨 [email protected]
don't stop talking about palestine
hello #PortfolioDay afterparty, i'm iasmin omar ata! i write, i draw, i make comics, i develop games, i design characters & backgrounds, i rig vtuber models, i even do work for Sonic the Hedgehog — and i’m open for new opportunities right now! ✨ 🎨 iasminomarata.com ✉️ [email protected]
shoutout to all my fellow creators based in texas who couldn’t post yesterday because of a statewide internet outage 🥲
hello #PortfolioDay afterparty, i'm iasmin omar ata! i write, i draw, i make comics, i develop games, i design characters & backgrounds, i rig vtuber models, i even do work for Sonic the Hedgehog — and i’m open for new opportunities right now! ✨ 🎨 iasminomarata.com ✉️ [email protected]
hello #PortfolioDay afterparty, i'm iasmin omar ata! i write, i draw, i make comics, i develop games, i design characters & backgrounds, i rig vtuber models, i even do work for Sonic the Hedgehog — and i’m open for new opportunities right now! ✨ 🎨 iasminomarata.com ✉️ [email protected]
If you're a comic book letterer and would like your portfolio reviewed, I can make time to do so. I try my best to recommend other letterers to potential clients when my plate is full. I have a great list, but I'm always happy to add to that. Reach me through here: www.arianamaher.com/contact
Inquiries — Ariana Maherwww.arianamaher.com
GDQ really needs to make a statement in solidarity with palestine, seeing as this week's marathon is raising money for doctors without borders. here's hoping they'll do the right thing
haven't been super public about how all of this has been affecting me, mentally,emotionally; the pain and sadness is beyond words. i just beg of people, please keep fighting alongside us. please do not forget Rafah after tonight. please do not give up on us. none of us are free until we are all free
here it is: the logo-less version of my cover for the Sonic 2024 Annual! while drawing it, the thought in my head was "can you feel the sunshine?" -- and i hope it shines through 💙☀️✨ #SonicTheHedgehog
here it is: the logo-less version of my cover for the Sonic 2024 Annual! while drawing it, the thought in my head was "can you feel the sunshine?" -- and i hope it shines through 💙☀️✨ #SonicTheHedgehog
we just did a mask-mandatory conference ask me how (no really please ask because everyone participated and it went great)
my family still has the key to their house in palestine that they were forced out of. i've seen that key countless times, but i've never seen the house that it belongs to. the nakba hasn't ended, but i truly believe one day soon it will finally be over. we are those who return. 🍉
Sonic Mania Adventures 2 - Part 1 🏖️ #SonictheHedgehog
Sonic Mania Adventures 2 - Part 1 🏖️ #SonictheHedgehog
i keep forgetting to be on here. how's it going folks
update: almost up to 40 characters drawn in 2024 so far 💙 let's keep going for even more!!
sonic & friends! ✨ here's everybody that i drew in 2023, let's go for even more in 2024 💙 #SonictheHedgehog
to answer some questions/comments i've gotten across socials: this is not a real thing you can watch -- just a fun idea that i had after learning that infinite was supposed to be in Mania! but i do appreciate that people are interested; i hope yall enjoy the rest of the story!
Sonic Mania Adventures 2 💎✨ #SonictheHedgehog
sorry i haven't been on socials much, Online has just kind of lost its luster for me lately. but while i've been offline, i've been ✨cooking✨, and hopefully i can share some of it with yall soon
who's that cool blue guy there? i've heard he loves adventure💙
btw, the e-sims for gaza drive is still running, you should check it out if you haven't already.
Help the urgent need for families to reconnect by purchasing e-sims using this guide and receive thank you art from a co-op member. details: cartoonist.coop/esims4gaza