
I dont get why yall check blocks and mutelists. Theres enough psychic damage on the timeline i dont need to seek it out, who blocked me is between them and god
I check so I can block back tbh It seems petty but I don't want them to like Be able to take that back? Idk. Old twitter habit I don't want to let die Besides it doesn't bother me when I get blocked. People are allowed to block me at will! I recommend it if they feel so inclined
Plus not all lists are mutelists, some are nice
Oh yeah forsure theres reasons to do it esp for safety purposes for some ppl and idc about whos blocked me but i think seeing a bunch and presumably some of whom i was friendly with wouldn’t feel great even if im fine with it if that makes sense
Oh for sure. Sometimes one will hit a little closer to home but I try very hard to be "block at will, even if it means me" and not let it eat at me
I mentioned to tk but we both have ocd and that would 100% have me ruminating over it