
I dont get why yall check blocks and mutelists. Theres enough psychic damage on the timeline i dont need to seek it out, who blocked me is between them and god
I have blocked more people than have blocked me, which I call victory.
readers it's going up as we speak. (not you, readers)
still going. every time someone says something I don't care to see, I don't see them anymore, it's great.
(you might object to this but guess what I'll do.)
For a long time I was muting because I wanted to see if I would miss people’s input into conversations because I was being grumpy but it turns out, Dear Reader, that I do not miss them.
I think ive blocked like maybe 300? Probably half were l*li related
I fucking love blocklists that are automatically updated. You have hammer and sickle, swastika or other symbols of totalitarian regimes? Automatic block. You grew out of this? Maybe let’s try to talk and see what’s going on behind this edgy facade.
Starshine do you think you are on the healthy choices app
I haven't done it but I feel like it has to be like some kind of masochistic tendency. I usually only block accounts that post simi-sexualized content without tags or for political reasons. Like, did we have an unpleasant political interaction? Neither of us want that again. So why look at that
i def get the allure of wanting to find out who doesn’t like you/what peopl think of you via mutelists but you only have to think about that for a moment to realize thats not going to be good for the ole brainbox
tbh checking mutelists is usually more entertaining than upsetting. Most recently the guy who was getting roasted for days for promoting ChatGPT to lawyers put me on a list called "Meat Bag Supremacists"
Man I usually get blocked for things like "ChatGPT is good for things like helping you find that one missing line of code" I did check one time & there was never a name for anything. If it had been like "robot supremacists" you are right I would have been amused. I don't think it's quite up to law
The people who don't like me on here have pretty much told me so to my face. I've blocked most of them myself though because I don't want to accidentally reengage with them politically but that's always a subject that some people are willing to tell you that you are a dummy to your face about.
I did once. To check if a mutual had blocked me as I couldn't find them. Weren't there, so they'd deactivated.
If someone blocks me, I block em back on account of I don't want em lifting that block to see all the fun I'm havin Like, nah, you made your choice babe, stay over there
That’s right. if lil baby yoda wants to tell me some psychic gossip about me fine whatever i wont get mad at a baby
goodness. who has me muted would probably sting. someone added me to a starter pack and i was like, “uh, i should probably know about this.” i did *not* realize it was displayed along with blocklists—which are as silly, petulant, high school, & hate filled as always. but i can’t control that shit.
I check when I notice a lot of "a blocked post" on the timeline, to be sure it's not me. So far there's only been one block that made me even briefly sad, probably because I'm an unimportant account (thank God!)
I check so I can block back tbh It seems petty but I don't want them to like Be able to take that back? Idk. Old twitter habit I don't want to let die Besides it doesn't bother me when I get blocked. People are allowed to block me at will! I recommend it if they feel so inclined
Plus not all lists are mutelists, some are nice
Oh yeah forsure theres reasons to do it esp for safety purposes for some ppl and idc about whos blocked me but i think seeing a bunch and presumably some of whom i was friendly with wouldn’t feel great even if im fine with it if that makes sense
Oh for sure. Sometimes one will hit a little closer to home but I try very hard to be "block at will, even if it means me" and not let it eat at me
I mentioned to tk but we both have ocd and that would 100% have me ruminating over it
Me to lol its another reason why i dont wanna check i would def ruminate on that shit
I'm way too far gone. even when I have a good handle on it, I'm always checking. it's pathological
Idk why anyone would even are about that shit I live blissfully unaware of it all
I don’t take it seriously, it’s more like which dipshit muted me for nonsense
Exactly. Some people hate cat and dog photos 🤷‍♀️
Blocklist? You mean my curated collection of exasperated haters?
Honestly, I'd be bummed if I checked and found out that nobody blocked me. If I'm not occasionally pissing off *somebody* enough to block me, that implies that I'm not being a loud enough ally.
accidentally, usually.
My twitter banner for years now. Who cares? Why waste brain space on the irrelevant? People or information.
Sure but the lists can be grotesquely sexual in nature, isn't that fun to know?