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🎨Animator/Character Designer/Artist/Musician
/Writer/Voice Actor/ Singer/Sculptor/🎨
80s 2D Animated Critter enthusiast and dumbass.


(For commission work)
my telegram is: @GremlinLord93
I was gonna keep this in the "classified" Sand Castle concept art pile, but I'm just too gosh dang happy with how these came out. Had to share! Also sorry I haven't posted here in a while. Gonna change that real soon.
Working on Stickers! Been wanting to have an art booth at a con for years. I have no idea when it'll happen, but may as well get started with setting up shop! Here's a selection of Watchdogs from Elden Ring, and Gengar, a member of my favorite group of Pokemon.
Hello, my name is Anthony Green, a Digital Artist/Illustrator. Nice to meet you all. Website: Email: [email protected]
Man, I'm still super happy with how this Maquette came out. Decided I would use him as a reference and blend his design with the current project, since they share such similar features. May as well go to some use, since his main sculpture fell through.
Retouched old Tenebris toy mockup I made a while ago. One day I will make this a reality 😭
Started finally working on this guy. My sister believes he ended up a little too big, which might be a bit true. May end up resculpting entirely lol
Sam if Sand Castle was a creepy kids book first.
Discord Vampire fellow sketches!
I had this crazy random rush of creativity today when it occurred to me that I never tried drawing Vampires, and wondered how I'd go about it. Ultimately, the theme got a little lost along the way through the attempt, but I love him all the same. He's a Vampire king fencing guy!
Avatar Haven't posted any of the Sand Castle demo tracks I've been making for the score here, but hey, here's the first submission. The latest of the bunch. Flame In The Void. Sorry, it's a link to the dammed site.
This sums it up perfectly. It’s not a conversation.
Sand Castle concept art. Otter monster guy
WHOOPS! one of my sealed mint condition glow in the dark baby Boglins just so happened to ACCIDENTALLY burst out of his packaging and egg. WHOOPS! How did that happen!?
Haven't sketched Nulus since the literal first time and figured I'd do some during a Discord call with some buds. For those of you who are unfamiliar, tiz Tenrbis' son.
Don't believe I've posted these here. Some rough side character concept designs for Sand Castle. My sister really wants to voice one of the female characters lol.
Sand Castle creature concept. "The Denizens of The Deep". I've had rough ideas for how some of these guys should look for ages and figured I'd just go ahead and try the first one. These things need to look like something from a nightmare that you'd struggle to explain to others.
Gotta get back to Tenebris puppet at some point. Im still really happy with how his face sculpt is turning out.
Verum redesign rough and rendered.
Some concept sketches for a special project of mine that I hope to do real soon. I have a name made up for em, but incase of potential plagiarism, I'm gonna keep it hush hush until theyre made. Fun at parties, turn some heads!
Whoops! Never posted the Art vs Artist thingy here. I gotta to be more active on Blsky.
Stella and Tenebris reunited.
Stella and Tenebris rough sketch "you still drive me insane"
Lux and Stella concept art. This was Lux and his beloved Stella, secretly in love before the big OH NO!!! I just had to block it all out to get it out of my head and onto a page. Gonna redraw and color it at some point. It's gonna be pretty, I swear!
Suddenly, Tenebris appears before you!
This is Jacklyn! She's actually kind of a long-time-developing Sand Castle character whose design took me WAY too long to solidify. Still unclear what the colors will be, but I have a few ideas. She's basically the Samwise to Sam's Frodo. That's all I'm gonna say!
Sand Castle concept piece. "put out that light!"