
Science folks, one thing about bluesky is there's way less 2 way interaction between people, especially on science posts, than there was on old Twitter. I'm not sure why that is, but it's something I'm keen to encourage. I'd love to hear your thoughts 🧪
I am afraid, it is mostly, because the content isn't shown to as many people as on Twitter.
Xitter's algorithmic feed *did* expose more people to new content more regularly than the no-algorithm based BSky, BUT one way to circumvent that is to follow people outside of your specialisation area and "comfort zone." Follow new, exciting, interesting folks! Share and comment freely. :3
Is there a similar feed available for Bluesky? (I dont think that "Discover" does the job)
That's exactly the thing. You need to come across new people to follow by having people you already follow interacting with their content. Compared to an algorithm that pushes posts into your time-line that might interest you, that's a really slow process.
Unfortunately, yes. The process is slow. I’ve been successful only through the “Wikipedia rabbit hole” method, honestly. Haha