Lukas Mergele

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Lukas Mergele

Policy consultant @ BSS Economic Consultants, Basel | Dad of 3 | German-Swiss musings | trains.
Great advice on publishing in economics. #EconSky 📈📉
A few weeks ago, I spoke on a panel about publishing at the CSWEP’s CeMENT workshop. I wanted to briefly share some of that advice here.
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Essay summarizes case for place policies to help people in distressed areas, including: pushing outmigration doen't work; job creation & job access policies can boost earnings per cap at affordable costs.
In a new essay for the Economic Innovation Group's American Worker Project, our explores the power of place-based policies to address geographic disparities and boost employment in distressed areas. #Econsky
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Lightning has been used as an IV for "electricity, fixed land telephone, computer infrastructure, the internet, 2G, and 3G broadband. So one needs to be worried if using lightning strikes as an instrument for one of these that it might also be having impacts through the others." #EconSky
Are lightning strikes the new rainfall IV? My take on one of the somewhat trendy instruments used in estimating impacts of mobile broadband, electricity, or other electrical infrastructure
Are lightning strikes the new rainfall IV?
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Just 3 days left until this workshop, so don't miss your chance to register! Details: Please share! #AcademicSky #EconSky #RStats #QuartoPub
❗️Our next workshop will be on July 18th, 6 pm CEST on Academic and personal website creation with Quarto. Register or sponsor a student by donating to support Ukraine! Details: Please share! #AcademicSky #EconSky #RStats #QuartoPub
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New working paper with Eleonora Alabrese,, and Shizuho Wang on the economic and political cost of Brexit! Here is the link to the interactive website:
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Still obsessed with this German stats textbook explaining that linear regression is like fitting a large sheet of paper through a swarm of bees.
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📢New WP!📢 The Class Gap in Career Progression: Evidence from US Academia, w/ Kyra Rodriguez Class is rarely a focus of research or DEI in elite US occupations. Evidence suggests it should be: we find a large class gap in at least one occupation - tenure-track academia...🧵
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Check out the July 2024 issue of the @EJ_RES 👇
Teaching science in school matters! ⚛️🎓 Students in US states that increased the coverage of evolution theory 🐒: 1️⃣ gained more knowledge 2️⃣ had less anti-scientific beliefs 3️⃣ were more likely to pick up jobs in life sicences👩‍🔬 Clever research by Ben Arold, now out in QJE (link below) #Econsky
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+++ FINAL REMINDER +++ The application deadline for our 1st Freiburg PhD-workshop on the Economics of Criminal Behavior is JULY 15, 2024... 👇
📣 Attention PhD-candidates & early postdocs! We host the 1st Freiburg PhD-Workshop on the Economics of Criminal Behavior: 30/09-02/10 at Discuss ideas, network with leading experts, present own research. Apply by 15/07 & spread the word! Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law
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#women ‘s contribution to the #labor force – The most impressive has been #Japan ‘s rapid increase, chart @GoldmanSachs
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+210 seats gained on a +2% increase in vote share. FPTP Democracy truly a miracle of representation.
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In the early Twitter days science types would show up and post when they had a new paper. Wonderful! But real talk y'all: papers take ages to write. So, post about other people's stuff! You read a paper and it was cool! Or you had a question! Or it tied to this other thing! Tag the authors!
Science folks, one thing about bluesky is there's way less 2 way interaction between people, especially on science posts, than there was on old Twitter. I'm not sure why that is, but it's something I'm keen to encourage. I'd love to hear your thoughts 🧪
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Call for applications for three 2-year Postdoctoral Fellowships at the #zukunftskolleg open now! It's our Center for Advanced Studies for junior scholars and an amazing place. Deadline: 2 September 2024. More information at
Importantly, this is also the most important effort so far to meet the climate targets as most of the subsidies go into products necessary to decarbonize the economy.
Companies decided to sink billions of dollars of new investment into manufacturing plants in the U.S. after the CHIPS and Inflation Reduction Act boosted incentives for U.S. production, Check out that spike in manufacturing plant construction. It dwarfs all prior increases. 📉📈 #️⃣#️⃣
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Forthcoming in EJ: ‘Paying Them to Hate US: The Effect of U.S. Military Aid on Anti-American Terrorism, 1968–2018’ by Eugen Dimant, Tim Krieger, Daniel Meierrieks #EconBsky
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Frustrated with journals, editors, reviewers? Ideas on how things can be done better? The AEA, EEA, ES, and RES are listening -- today is the last day to complete the survey and share your ideas. Speak now or forever hold your peace (or at least hold it for a few days😉). 📉📈
We all know there are plenty of problems with the publication process in econ, but which ones matter most and how to address them? Please share your views with a joint AEA-EEA-ES-RES committee that will try to suggest solutions. Link to member survey: 📉📈
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H2 Green Steel is building the world's first full-scale green hydrogen steel plant. The low-carbon steel comes at a price, and still, customers like BMW, Porsche & Mercedes aren't just standing in line, some are even investors! The b-school case that tells the tale just dropped
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I made a Bluesky "starter pack" for political psychology. Suggests 50 people to follow and 3 feeds
political psych starter Join the conversation
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Avatar ProfessorInnen stellen sich an die Seite jüdischer Studierender & KollegInnen & gegen Antisemitismus an dt. Hochschulen. Bekenntnis zur Koop. mit israelischen Unis/Forschungseinrichtungen & gegen Ausgrenzung von WissenschaftlerInnen m. israelischer Staatsangehörigkeit.
Profs against
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As Europe ages, political power is increasingly concentrated among those aged 55 and older. This trend is evident in recent election results and is also becoming more apparent in the economic sphere. 🇪🇺📉 1/
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I hope Biden starts breaking all sorts of laws. Pounding beers in public. Stealing from ice cream shops. Stealing cars. Slapping people across the head.
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If Biden goes over to the Supreme Court and punches Chief Justice John Roberts out cold, is it legal?
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I'm gonna reuse this 🤣
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