
the stuff people post on Threads (I still drop in over there, despite myself) amazes me, like is this kind of argumentative, engagement-farming shit what normals have always used social media for?? and I'm the weirdo who uses social media to read the news and do activism and learn stuff?
i didn't have to go looking for this, it was all in the first four or five scrolls on my "for you" algorithm!! this is what people go on the internet to do??? rehash 50-year-old arguments about wedding gift etiquette????
i do have to hand it to them, "why are so many small children wearing glasses now" is one of the funniest things i've read in a long time, like can you imagine being so deeply concerned about this incredible new trend
Because of the expense, I didn't get my first pair of glasses until I was a teenager. Until then, I spent my entire life only being able to see clearly for as far as I could reach. No wonder I spent all my time reading or using (public library) computers.