Andrea Grimes

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Andrea Grimes

writer / texan / bitch kraken / she/her / 📍atx

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Doing the most American thing I can think of today and introducing my husband to Suzy Eddie Izzard's Dress To Kill special
I have one wish and one wish alone in this life and it is for the other Andrea Grimes to stop signing me up for the Pottery Barn Kids marketing emails
happy dads texting you 900 blurry videos of fireworks day to all who celebrate
oh my god the Looking For A Man In Finance woman got picked up by David Guetta????? life is amazing
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i mentioned this before but the last week or two has fully clarified that the rest of our lives is a drag-out fight against the supreme court that starts with priming the public to enthusiastically support — or at the very least resist decorum-based media calls against — completely rebuilding it
the exploitation of this Chevron ruling is just getting warmed up and is going to ratfuck every last effort at policy reform or corporate oversight across every sector and issue in the country
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OOO it's not-hot tub time
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"They're just fearmongering about Project 2025," brought to you by the people behind "They're just fearmongering about a coup" and "they're just fearmongering about abortion bans"
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Reposted byAvatar Andrea Grimes
The nice thing about organizing is that it is about more than just elections. E.g. mutual aid in all its forms, and campaigns to contact your electeds to bully, uh, persuade them. I point this out not to downplay elections; it's just that some people are looking for things to do besides voting.
The answer to political anxiety is political organizing.
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If you hear next week that the RNC has "moderated" on abortion by dropping a 20-week-ban from the platform or somesuch, here's me telling you now that it doesn't mean anything close to "moderation" when it's these guys running the show.
Listen Closely to the Men Crafting the GOP’s Anti-Abortion The main dispute within Trump’s Republican Party is not about how severely to punish women for having abortions, but merely how to “frame the argument.”
yesterday i spent three hours in my closet with the a/c off so i could record a few of my little horror fiction stories to release as an audio package and i'm so excited but also absolutely petrified by imposter syndrome but dangit i didn't turn the a/c off for three hours to bail on this
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so great that Europe's doing this again with the diseases
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If people don't understand how crucial local abortion funds are to folks actually getting their procedures or pills, here's the latest example: National Abortion Federation and Planned Parenthood are slashing patient grants from 50% to 30% of what callers need. Thirty percent.
More info from my local, the DC Abortion Fund, about why they're cutting back their hours and service area
today, a guy driving an SUV with a thin blue line sticker + "LGB" on his back window nearly ran me off the road b/c he didn't look before changing lanes. He then cut me off, rolled down his window, made a gun sign with his hands and pretended to shoot at me. i'm pretty done with this week
can't believe I'm allowed to go into World Market without a chaperone
Planned Parenthood: Don't worry everybody, we're gonna spend $100m on restoring abortion rights! Just bear with us for 10 short years Also Planned Parenthood:
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right, like whyyy? absolute terrible vibes over there. blending the polemic posturing of LinkedIn with the belligerent, bad faith attitudes of Twitter
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What happens when engagement junkies have to pivot from posting pretty pictures to writing essays: what's going to get me that sweet, sweet engagement?
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The vibe I got from threads was that all these instagram influencers found themselves auto-enrolled in threads, thought "Holy shit, we have to TYPE WORDS on this platform?!" and launched into long-form(ish) blogging without being at all cut out for it Hence the reversion to the very low mean
the stuff people post on Threads (I still drop in over there, despite myself) amazes me, like is this kind of argumentative, engagement-farming shit what normals have always used social media for?? and I'm the weirdo who uses social media to read the news and do activism and learn stuff?
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The comfort of knowing their actions won't be adequately covered in the mainstream press is precisely why the far right crazies placed in charge of our judiciary feel empowered to go balls to the wall.
7/1/2024 will go down as one of the worst days in American history, and this is how the NYT website was covering it yesterday, under seven (7)(VII) articles about Biden's age.
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Wild how many people are like "all the doctors should leave" and not "all the civil rights lawyers should come"
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Love this little treat for all of us!
Thanks to everyone who recommended comfort reads, watches, and listens. I assembled a whole bunch of your suggestions in a big-ass blog post! If you're looking for something nice to put your brain, there are a ton of great ideas here:
A Living Compendium Of Stuff That’s Just Wherein the people come together to recommend a crowd-sourced repository of comfort watches, listens, and reads.
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the times continues its vigorous campaign to end democracy. literally the same playbook they ran in 2016 with the emails. we're so fucked. i'm existentially depressed.
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When you're a little gremblin who doesn't understand "I have to work"