
The actual content in the statements by both Trump and Biden tonight is incomprehensible to ordinary people. Biden's voice does not sound good tonight at all. But always beware of the Third Person Effect.
No effects on who wins the election. And no effects on the health of the political system. My feelings in their favor are probably because they provide fascinating info for political experts like me.
I've watched more president debates than is healthy. I can't recall one where both candidates were so unable to explain things in ways that are clear to ordinary people. All of this is inside baseball of one type or another.
I thought this pattern wouldn't apply because both candidates are so unusual. But this actually does in some ways fit the long pattern of incumbent presidents appearing unready in their first gen election debate: Reagan in 84, Bush in 92, Bush in 04, Obama in 12.
I hear you and especially this early but one of the Biden campaign's big talking points for months is when the stark choice between the two got closer, the polls would start to move. Hard to believe tonight has been helpful