Doug Ford's Kryptonite

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Doug Ford's Kryptonite

Get Ford out. Film & Shame Ontario PC MPPs in public. Send in your vids to be featured. Be Ezra Levant annoying.

Stephen Harper’s CPC & IDU are undermining democracy in 🇨🇦 #cdnpoli #onpoli

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The Cum Dumpster speaks
Popeyes is 100% Halal in Canada. What a dumb fucking waste of breath these right-wing conservatives are.
Who wants to host a Cottage Encampment at Doug Ford's cottage? We can light a candle and then forget about it 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Here's Ezra Levant on Marci McDonald's book: The Armageddon Factor, Rise of Christian Nationalism in Canada. Marci outlined Harper's CPC, pro-Israel Strategy with Ezra Levant leading the political op
Secret Kosher Labels in Canada Led by Ezra Levant Jewish ritual slaughter: Moshe Ronen: Lobbyist I came across exposing Harper's CPC/IDU connections Shame James Skinner won't eat at KFC tho
Right-wing "common sense" bigots are losing their minds over KFC going 100% halal in Canada. Ezra Levant has been putting Kosher certification on everything from bleach to sugar and everything in your pantry in Canada. Fringe vow to eat instead at Mary Browns or Popeyes (Popeyes is 100% #Halal)
PETA Videos: Animal Rights Television® | PETA delivers a variety of animal rights videos: from sexy animal rights testimonials to humorous celebrity public service announcements (PSAs) to graphic, undercover investigations.
Ezra Levant blocked me after pointing out that he supports the inhumane Kosher method of food processing which he sneaks onto food groceries in Canada. Fucking zionists.
Right-wing "common sense" bigots are losing their minds over KFC going 100% halal in Canada. Ezra Levant has been putting Kosher certification on everything from bleach to sugar and everything in your pantry in Canada. Fringe vow to eat instead at Mary Browns or Popeyes (Popeyes is 100% #Halal)
Popeyes is 100% Halal in Canada. What a dumb fucking waste of breath these right-wing conservatives are.
Right-wing "common sense" bigots are losing their minds over KFC going 100% halal in Canada. Ezra Levant has been putting Kosher certification on everything from bleach to sugar and everything in your pantry in Canada. Fringe vow to eat instead at Mary Browns or Popeyes (Popeyes is 100% #Halal)
Right-wing "common sense" bigots are losing their minds over KFC going 100% halal in Canada. Ezra Levant has been putting Kosher certification on everything from bleach to sugar and everything in your pantry in Canada. Fringe vow to eat instead at Mary Browns or Popeyes (Popeyes is 100% #Halal)
Just the slimiest people 😡
As a side note, this is John McEntee, Trump's Director of White House Personnel and the primary architect of Project 2025. On Tik Tok he said he gives counterfeit bills to homeless people so they will be arrested when they go to spend them.
Pierre Poilievre literally running around Canada telling parents that Stephen Harper gave them $13 a month for child care benefits. No child care spaces. No affordable child care. Not enough money to make a difference He gave official Minister of Crown announcements wearing party logo against rules
Pierre Poilievre raced around the country in an election-style campaign to promote Harper’s child care cheques, but there’s one thing he hasn’t told families: new child “benefit” is taxable. Thirteen dollars. Not a single childcare space, no affordable care & nowhere near an actual plan - just $13
Pierre Poilievre, if elected to be PM, will scale back Canada Child Benefit (CCB) which stands at $600/m per kid. Poilievre use to be Harper's bitch going around Canada reminding families about the pathetic $160 taxable Universal Child Care Benefit Poilievre endorsed. Poilievre Stockwell Day
He would have let people be put out on the street, starve and pay for the vaccine during the pandemic. He’s done us a great courtesy of letting us know exactly who he is and what he will do. He will turn the carbon tax from rebates to revenue for his oil and gas donors to start.
Pierre Poilievre justified the changes by pointing to the threat of voter fraud, even though a report by elections expert Harry Neufeld found little evidence of voter fraud & recommended voter-information cards be used more widely. Poilievre ’s office did not return calls for comment... #cdnpoli
Pierre Poilievre cited 'expert evidence" via Harry Neufeld in support of his Fair Elections Act which removed vouching, denying First Nations, Students and Seniors from voting. Harry Neufeld confirmed he had never spoken to Poilievre on ending vouching. Neufeld swore statement no vouching was bad
Pierre Poilievre VS The Necessity of Sex Reassignment Surgery (2008) This argument is nothing new, the hate is just louder and more visceral today than it was 16 years ago thanks to Conservatives like Poilievre's network of useful idiots and bigots SRS OHIP #cdnpoli #onpoli
Pierre Poilievre interferes in fair elections. Robocall company with lawyer Jonathan Denis, who with Kaz Nejatian (True North) sued for election interference #cdnpoli CPC Leadership race interference; Patrick Brown. Poilievre's unfair Fair Elections Act prevents 400k voters
Pierre Poilievre cited 'expert evidence" via Harry Neufeld in support of his Fair Elections Act which removed vouching, denying First Nations, Students and Seniors from voting. Harry Neufeld confirmed he had never spoken to Poilievre on ending vouching. Neufeld swore statement no vouching was bad
Jenni Byrne spouse of Pierre Poilievre (Harper) Pierre Poilievre, staffer of: John Baird, Friends of Israel Initiative Stockwell Day, AWZ Ventures (Israel) Stephen Harper, International Democracy Union (IDU), AWZ Ventures, Friends of Israel Initiative (Gerald Schwartz, Shabtai Shavit ex-Mossad)
"...Stranger that anyone so TOTALLY LACKING IN COMMON SENSE [emphasis added] as to do such a thing wouldn't end up turning on a spit at the next party fundraiser." Um that's because PP had been groomed for Prime Minister by Frank Stronach, Gerald Chipeur, Stockwell Day, John Baird, Stephen Harper,
Pierre Poilievre cited 'expert evidence" via Harry Neufeld in support of his Fair Elections Act which removed vouching, denying First Nations, Students and Seniors from voting. Harry Neufeld confirmed he had never spoken to Poilievre on ending vouching. Neufeld swore statement no vouching was bad
Pierre Poilievre's "Orwellian" Bill C-23 "Fair Elections Act" "A bill no one had asked for" PP forbade Elections Canada promoting voter turnout, Lies about source on vouching "When PP cited expert evidence in support of his changes, everyone who knew him had learned to check his assertions"
State funded grocery stores! Pass it on #onpoli
Doug Ford’s daughter Qrista advocating for dogs while her father neglects 70,000 autistic kids in #ONpoli. Her virtue for animals means fuck all as autistic kids die in Ontario public schools do to underfunding. If treatment of the disabled in Ontario doesn’t enrage us to vote PC out, nothing will
Holy Fuck I’m prophetic. useful Idiot Andrew Lawton, right on cue, starts berating the Canada Child Benefit set ton$600/month per kid. Poilievre gave $160 /m taxable for parents to split. Flew around the country reminding parents it was from ol’ Uncle Harper Scrooge. Minions are bad guys, clever.
Pierre Poilievre, if elected to be PM, will scale back Canada Child Benefit (CCB) which stands at $600/m per kid. Poilievre use to be Harper's bitch going around Canada reminding families about the pathetic $160 taxable Universal Child Care Benefit Poilievre endorsed. Poilievre Stockwell Day
This is why Orban in Europe feels emboldened. Nd openly sides with Putin. An old friendship.
Someone get Theo from the Star to comic this. Ah forget it I’ll just use Ai
Ottawa Parliament Hill Gun Attack. Pierre Poilievre fashions a spear out of a Canadian flag pole to guard PM Stephen Harper from the gunman. Then he takes the spear home as a memento and brings it to show and tell the next day. $100 says Pierre had his spouse Jenni Byrne peg him with the spear
Ottawa Parliament Hill Gun Attack. Pierre Poilievre fashions a spear out of a Canadian flag pole to guard PM Stephen Harper from the gunman. Then he takes the spear home as a memento and brings it to show and tell the next day. $100 says Pierre had his spouse Jenni Byrne peg him with the spear
Pierre Poilievre's "Orwellian" Bill C-23 "Fair Elections Act" "A bill no one had asked for" PP forbade Elections Canada promoting voter turnout, Lies about source on vouching "When PP cited expert evidence in support of his changes, everyone who knew him had learned to check his assertions"
Pierre Poilievre wasn't kidding when he declared himself a zionist
Pierre Poilievre "I consider myself a zionist' - to BSW youth group 2007. PP's visited Israel twice.
Pierre Poilievre wearing a cheetah print keffiyeh? John Baird and Pierre Poilievre: "Stronger support for Israel" Privatized healthcare paid for by the government, but Poilievre is for self-reliance and independence from the government?
Pierre Poilievre "I consider myself a zionist' - to BSW youth group 2007. PP's visited Israel twice.
"...Stranger that anyone so TOTALLY LACKING IN COMMON SENSE [emphasis added] as to do such a thing wouldn't end up turning on a spit at the next party fundraiser." Um that's because PP had been groomed for Prime Minister by Frank Stronach, Gerald Chipeur, Stockwell Day, John Baird, Stephen Harper,
"Beyond the inflammatory nature of the words [Pierre Poilievre] spoke (Classically Reform and Alliance too, for a guy who's not even 30) what does it say that Poilievre spoke first, completely out of turn, directly contradicting the PM before he uttered a word & was allowed to mend fences?" #cdnpoli
'Caught & released fish spend more time on the hook' Old Reform Party Proverb Pierre Poilievre criticized Stephen Harper's $4 Billion Residential School Apology ‘Are we really getting value for all of this money? We need to engender the values of hard work and independence and self-reliance.”
"By the time the PM of Canada delivers his Big Speech, the one everyone is waiting for, someone on his team has already been trashing it on the radio. Ask yourself: If | were Harper, exactly how politically dead would I make this asshole for pulling a stunt like that, how bad would I make it hurt?"
'Caught & released fish spend more time on the hook' Old Reform Party Proverb Pierre Poilievre criticized Stephen Harper's $4 Billion Residential School Apology ‘Are we really getting value for all of this money? We need to engender the values of hard work and independence and self-reliance.”