
February 2023. This is the moment they decided to ignore popular will and hold a coronation of a damaged and declining candidate. They depended on Trump being worse to manufacture consent for a historically unpopular candidate.
I keep thinking through all the arguments to keep Biden on the ticket and they all seem to concede that he shouldn't have run in the first place, which means I was right when I accused Dems and the White House of having zero strategy other than saying "it's still early" until it was too late.
Biden's inner circle The DNC Other elected Democrats The media (to a lesser extent) Liberal activists
So basically a diffuse group of actors, some of whom are relatively powerless (the DNC, liberal activists), some of whom (“the media”) focused relentlessly on Biden’s age, “manufactured consent” how, exactly?
It’s one thing to say that, based on unsourced but plausible reports, his inner circle may have misrepresented Biden’s acuity. Which is bad. It’s another thing to start invoking an expansive conspiracy and use Chomsky’s term for, in essence, the creation of false consciousness.