
While #GenocideJoe did a shite job for sure, how about we focus on the insane number of #TrumpLies in the #Debate? Oh, wait, that would actually take some cognitive ability on the American #Voter. Can't actually expect that, since the average IQ is below toilet paper. I wouldn't care if Joe is 1/
It really is making *me* feel crazy to see a bunch of other Democrat voters running around screaming about how Biden is now unelectable, on the basis of one bad debate and an incredibly obvious ratfucking campaign by America’s most craven newspaper.
a fucking CORPSE, the fact is #Biden is what we've got. I hate it. He's funding #genocide against #Palestine. I detest that. But #Trump would do far, far worse. And FASTER. Would I LIKE another option? Yes. I would. But I want another SHOT at an option. which we won't even get if Trump takes 2/
power. I honestly can't believe I'm saying this, because I've been EXTREMELY anti- #BlueNoMatterWho my entire fucking life. But I'm legitimately scared with the Rogue #SCOTUS at this point. I'm seeing shit happen in America that I saw in Sudan. I'm fucking TERRIFIED. So yeah, I'll swallow my 3/
pride, and check off the box in the hopes #Harris ends up the one with the levers of power, not #Biden, within just a few weeks of him being sworn back in. Because if #Trump takes it? There is no America. It's #Gilead. Think I'm crazy? I grew up in Darfur. I've lived it, babes. 4/4
TL;DR-the choices are, because of 2 Party System: Trump: Large scale genocide against many people, and many classes, that cannot be stopped. Absolute civil war. Biden: smaller scale, slower genocide, that may can actually be stopped. Chance of civil war.