
It really is making *me* feel crazy to see a bunch of other Democrat voters running around screaming about how Biden is now unelectable, on the basis of one bad debate and an incredibly obvious ratfucking campaign by America’s most craven newspaper.
I feel like treating Biden’s quite obvious and visible cognitive decline as a ratfuck and not something 80% of Americans and many members of Congress agree upon and are concerned about is equally weird! Reasonable people can disagree about the underlying reality, but there is not escaping the q.
It’s a rat fuck promoted by America’s most evil newspaper, and it sounds especially insane to me in light of how Trump is incredibly obviously incapable of stringing a coherent thought together.
Even if you grant that Biden has concerning cognitive issues, it is insane to conclude that Trump is an *improvement*
I do think we need to all be more active but I also think that going nuts at this stage is a terrible idea and the main focus is maintaining democracy. Any concerns I have about Biden are ridiculous given what you've already noted about Trump and how unhinged and ridiculous his "thinking" has been.
It's obviously a disinformation campaign at this point and I wish people would see it as such. It's not like we haven't been through them before
I think that’s a really weird take! I watched a man who says he’s the only one who can defeat fascism fail to complete sentences in a debate he called for. What disinformation is informing my judgement that he can’t win the election? I saw it with my own two eyes.
I'm so annoyed that so many are taking it so seriously at this point. Genuinely exhausting.
I also like (loathe) the ones who say just have him drop and run Harris. The second that happens the right wing goes into full open racism and misogyny on main mode (and it'll probably help them!) while the online supposed left goes back to their 2020 "sHe'S a CoP" bullshit. Fuck all of them.
1) the right is always in full racism and misogyny mode 2) replacing Biden is the single best thing to do to activate the left for the presidential election
To expand on 1, I have no doubt it'll get even worse, this all started with Trump v Obama birth certificate stuff and then the 2016 Clinton misogyny. I do not have such faith in our left flank about 2, and I think a lot of reliable Dem voters will be demoralized having their president sidelined.
If mfs cant “get activated” after what the supreme court did they are trash. Just giving the right hand of capital free reign to absolutely destroy workers and any budding labor movements. Just the fucking worst, no strategy, analysis or care for their community, dumbass morons imaginable.
I wouldn't underrated the racism and misogyny of the left
I have every expectation that Harris will incite the absolute worst in America by her identity. Her existing as a top of banner person will be explosive. :-/ But the crank wing will find things to hate about her anyway, since she isn't Saint Sanders.
...and NYT goes apeshit on the "Dems in disarray/last minute substitute/is she good enough?!" rhetoric. The racism and misogyny would be unreal. Granted, she could realistically take the helm mid term if he wins.
the fact that she could just step in and take over temporarily if he isn't doing okay, or could just step in and take over permanently if he clocks out (in fact, that's her job!) is the reason people are shitting their pants over nothing
Additionally to consider - I know if Biden dropped out and they tried to put someone not Harris is - that person won't be on the Ohio ballot and they lose all the donation funding (non transferable). Not sure what happens if they were to move Harris. Wouldn't be surprised if the same.
iirc Harris wouldn't have problems with the donations part because it's the Biden-Harris campaign entity. The ballots though might still read Biden at the top of the ticket though for states whose deadlines already passed. Which would probably lead to confusion for some voters, a risk in itself.
My dad is almost 90. There’s nothing wrong with his cognitive abilities. Sometimes he has trouble with a word or two but he’s not spouting gibberish like Trump. People who panic about Biden are obviously people who’ve spent no time with the elderly. Dementia is different than simple aging.
Exactly. I'm only 62 and have found that as I get older I do some of the things that Biden does. Lose my train of thought mid sentence, forget things more often and fall asleep at times I don't want to. It is purely aging as my cognitive abilities are just fine.
Shit, I'm *36* and do that sometimes. Pretty sure it's just being human.
To me, the central question is whether someone else (most likely Kamala) is more likely to win. I can’t really imagine concluding Trump is an improvement. But, I do think there’s lots of evidence Biden can’t do parts of the job, and that makes it less likely he’ll win. I don’t think that’s made up.
Again though, Trump also can't do parts of the job (namely, all of them) and it becomes about who they surround themselves with.
Nobody here is positing Trump as a viable alternative to Biden! People are questioning whether Biden is the best candidate to defeat Trump. It's dishonest to pretend otherwise.
I'm with Faine here. I don't think it would necessarily be a ratfuck if the GOP candidate were some young and sharp politician. But when the alternative is *also* seeking to be the oldest person ever inaugurated and had clear cognitive concerns during *their* administration... Yeah it's bullshit.
Trump has more actual signs of dementia, he's just energetic about it, so people don't notice
Biden, softly: Trump is a liar! Trump, shouting: Okay, so like, there's this weird veggie thing called a ruta-something. Rutabaga? It's kinda purple on the outside but yellow inside, which is pretty crazy if you ask me.
And then he'd go on about how that is some sort of liberal conspiracy to brainwash children. But Biden (who has a known speech impediment) stumbled over his words so let's all give up and let the party that is implementing worse than the Handmaid's Tale stateswide do that nationwide. /sarcasm
* and have been since (probably) before 2016
retirement fucking exists for a reason — mainly everyone’s fucking safety
The danger Trump represents is the very reason Biden needs to step aside if he’s probably going to lose. Is that not obvious? Do you think people are calling for Biden to exist the race because we’ve all suddenly become convinced Trump would be a better option?
He's not going to "probably lose" cmon. You're falling for the ratfuck. People are doing that because they are easily panicked mammals and have fallen for the lies too.
You’ve all really latched on to “ratfuck,” I see. Take note, it’s rather less impactful by the time you hear it from the sixth person who can’t be arsed to find their own words.
'The ratfuck' is just preemptive excuse making Democrats that are too fainthearted to take a risk and replace a candidate who has been trailing in the polls for a year, whose candidacy nobody is excited about, and whose policies could just as well be advanced by any of many other people.
Please tell me anyone on the left making this argument.
If Trump were asked to quote his favorite Bible verse, he'd turn into the verbal equivalent of a plate spinner who is also trying to juggle bowling pins. Depending upon who is asking, he'd either get a pass or be told one. If the latter, he would nod as if it is wise and say, "That's a good one!"
After I was 70, my cholesterol numbers went up into not high, but concerning. The statins they put me on--it was like a fog descended, and I was getting confused. Quit them, back to the same old bad takes and tweets. This from the #JustSaying Department, but sure wasn't Presidential on them.
But nobody is making this argument. The argument is that Biden is not a strong enough candidate to defeat Trump in 2024. If you would vote for a half-dead Biden to beat Trump, then you'd surely vote for someone more vigorous who's able to campaign intensively.
FWIW, they didn't conclude that Trump was an improvement, if we're talking about the Editorial Board piece. They said that Trump must be defeated and that Biden's debate performance created major concerns for his ability to do so.
I don't think the people expressing concern are apt to vote from trump. We are concerned because the polling is looking very bad for Biden & we are terrified of him loosing or the election being close.