
my brother the other day made a joke about getting his kids passports in the event of Trump being re-elected and I just thought "No one is gonna take a non-binary trans person whose has zero money and lots of debt."
There is an American exceptionalism embedded in the idea that y'all think you can just pick up and leave and go wherever you want. It's cute you think you'd be welcomed. Americans aren't exactly popular in the world.
I have a friend who DID manage to immigrate to the UK. It took ten years. She did a university degree, then grad school there, and then married a Brit. It cost tens of thousands of dollars to pay for the immigration lawyers to make it through the process.
There’s also the phenomenon of Americans acknowledging that shit is fucked, but thinking they are going to “watch the show with 🍿”. They don’t have any idea what this may look like and that they will be personally impacted.
yup. I have no illusions about that. I'm a trans person. I'm fucked.
also this idea that the paltry pennies we have as private us citizens will allow us to live as aristocracy in some other country, and while there are nations where our money goes far, it's not that far. and now what job will you get with no language skills?
yeppppp same thoughts. most places don’t like disabled immigrants / refugees either.
Yep, the fact that I can't work and am reliant on welfare means no country wants me. Including the one I live in. The fact that I'm queer af and non binary doesn't even get the opportunity to be a problem cause I'm fucked before I start
It really comes down to if you can get a job to sponsor you
I looked at the Canadian scoring system. They wouldn't take me. My wife would stand a good chance, but I'd be the drag on a joint application.