
today is my NINETEEN YEAR anniversary working at my local library In honor of that, I ask you to get a card to your local public library today! If you ALREADY have a card to your local public library, check out their digital resources! Their summer programs! And yeah, they have books too.
Our local network of libraries is doing a thing this summer where you can visit the different branches for a stamp on a passport to "earn" prizes. So, we have a 33 library challenge!
THAT'S SO COOL!! Have fun traveling your library world! My library system did that last year (to great success, that I could tell) and for some reason didn't immediately repeat
Too many people got the t-shirt? Repetition is boring? What we're discovering is that there are some profoundly inconvenient branches - only open Tuesday and Wednesday...
yeah, sometimes libraries are TEENY TINY and have like, ONE employee who is the director but is considered "part time"
Ya - I love those little places! But I'm super glad to live in town with one of the main branches that's open 6-7 days a week and has a LOT of resources also.
When we order books they can come from anywhere in the network to our branch. For a while we had day trips based on returning books to their home libraries. An excuse for a randomised Saturday visit to obscure villages we'd never otherwise have bothered with.
And at the local library they have a laser cutter, 3d printers, quilting machines, sewing machines, screen printing, soundproof studio, jewelry supplies, robotics kits, puzzles, and tools, seeds, and a lot more in addition to their books. If you haven’t been to the library lately, go check it out.
Rushed to library hoping to get study space to take a vc call; too late to get to office. Study rooms available to school students only. (I kinda liked that. Not many other perks at that age.) Instead offered a meeting cabinet - small, sound proof 👌🏽! #LoveLibrarians #LoveLibraries #LoveBooks 📚📚📚📚📚
Also, using Libby, you can get digital library cards for many different libraries not local to you as well. (At least, I did!)
YUP! I've got *3* cards through Libby - my local, the system next door to us, and the NYPL - and I use all of them for e-books!
Oh, I forgot to grab NYPL, good call. LA's is great too. Also got my hometown one in Tennessee.
Oh, is LA open to anyone? NYPL was open if you were in New York State.
It might not be; but double check.
Sadly, only for residents of California. :(
I was a library president for 8 years and I second this sentiment for those of you who pay library taxes, they are a very small portion of school taxes so always vote up the library budgets There's overdrive, there's hoopla, there's Kanopy and many more things available in person at your library
promoting libraries? that’s follow-worthy!
libraries are important! They were important to me growing up, and now also as a grownup!
also, I think you're where I'm from (though not where I am now) (The Jersey Shore)
though my libraries were Neptune and Wall Township (really, one of my dreams is to get a box of Exit Ghost [my debut novel, set largely in Asbury Park] and visit a bunch of Monmouth County libraries to be like "you get a book! and you get a book!") (I would look for their donation policies first)
Congrats and I’ll use that as an impetus to finally get a library card after decades without
My county library system has a tiny branch(*) a block away from me that's too small to have stuff I'd want. But I can go online and ask the big library to send anything over there and then just walk in and pick it up, for free! * Ok, not _technically_ a branch library, local history is weird, but..
Technically, I think that library is an independent 501(c)3 merely affiliated with the county system, and that organization traces its history back to a corporation established by royal charter by King George II,
yeah, my library is part of a library system that's like...a consortium. Each library has its own rules, but there's some central policy governance/computer program management/etc.
Half the places in the county that you'd think are branch libraries actually are, the other half all have their own quirky little reason for existing as independent but affiliated with the county, and then there's the one local public library that is very much NOT affiliated and snippy about it.
Same with us. A bigger library with multiple staff, three smaller libraries with one staff person each, all independent and doing their own thing over general county guidelines. Funded by the county but not part of the county government. Personally, I like it this way - tailored to the community.
Congrats! I just got my 15 year pin!
oooh, a PIN!! (I got a tote bag)
🥳🥳🥳 congrats!
thank you!!! (also oh my god it's so long 😭)
I got a library card a few months ago and it was the most exciting thing i've done all year. i immediately discovered a new favorite author 😁
I'm at 19 years in public libraries, too! Started part-time in May 2005, full time somewhen between then and now. 2008? Who remembers. The drum I beat: Public libraries are for communities, not just families. That means it's there for *you*. Go! Physically, remotely, go!
Today is 2 weeks of my being an actual real librarian! I love it.
Congratulations, that's awesome! I'm not a real librarian, I just work in a library
Close enough! You’re a Library Person, that’s what counts.
Congrats! 🎉 What was the most bizarre situation you ever encountered, while working at the library?
oh that's tough, because after all this time, so much has been normalized in my brain! It might've been the Great Book Heist of '06, wherein somebody went upstairs to the non fiction, opened a window, bent the screen open, and dropped out a bunch of the $$$ construction/home improvement books
Did they get away with it?