
Is there a way to let the Democratic Party know I’ll give them money but only if they stop texting me
One time I got very fed up with a fundraising caller and they suggested that I re-register to vote but leave the phone number blank, and it 100% worked. Haven't gotten a call or text since.
Jon Lovett once joked about ActBlue Premium— you pay a little more to not receive any calls, texts, letters, or emails. I’d totally do that.
Yes who can we talk to They would make a fortune
I’ve asked for the same at my kids school. Give me a number that means that I won’t have to hear about any more fundraising efforts for the year.
I keep texting them back, saying I'll give them more money when they get Taylor Swift's endorsement. (Robert DeNiro's text was the last time I donated, but that was also conviction day. 🤷‍♀️) It hasn't worked, but it's kept me amused.
Don’t they know that I have recurring monthly contributions for two blue entities? My bank does. So, they are ignoring that, to tell me that I need to donate? Hmph!