
Most of Biden’s peers, by which I mean centrist boomer+ Dems, have really leaned in to being anti-woke and anti-left, and I wonder why Biden has not to the same degree.
I think maybe this is more true of pundits/strategists and less of electeds, who are more his peer group. Even old annoying centrist Senators like Cardin, King, Carper, and Shaheen AFAIK don't spend much time being anti-"woke." (Manchin being a special case.)
Interesting thought. Possibly!
it kinda seems like the dem congressfolk who come closest to vociferous anti-wokeness are House members (including a couple boomers) elected post-Obama esp. in swing districts (and Richie Torres) though I may be conflating "loudly centrist" with "anti-woke" myself here