Matt Weiner

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Matt Weiner

Philosopher at UVM. he/any pronouns. Likes cats and weird improvised music. Last name rhymes with "meaner." Self-photos are of Art Garfunkel.
got an article promoted to me fearmongering about national debts and it quoted Ken Rogoff. has nobody learned anything? Rogoff sold austerity in 2010 with an article based on an Excel error. He literally caused many deaths and should STFU forever. Don't quote him!
Opinion | The Excel Depression (Published 2013) Did a coding error basically destroy the economies of the Western world? You be the judge.
doing some self-care for a little bit
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there are going to be a lot of takes saying it’s antisemitic to blame AIPAC for latimer’s win and i just want to say no it is not
Reposted byAvatar Matt Weiner
For the millionth time: Asking people how they think they were affected doesn’t tell you jack shit about whether they were actually affected! NYT can’t keep getting away with this! See paper from
absolutely incredible framing. in ten car pile up seven drivers survive
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So think I just punched a decent-sized hole in a claim abt post-2010 prison drops that sat well w me: the claim by Right-on-Crime types that red states had something to teach us abt decarceration. My suspicion, that I now have numbers for? It was their blue counties doing the real work.
I always remember the story of investors getting stuck in a Google self driving car in mountain view for maybe 45 minutes because it was programmed to follow the rules on merging and no one would let it into the road
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Finally digging into today's opinion. It's much more nuanced than everyone on here is giving it credit for 🙄
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i do like how they are like fae. very powerful entities you can ask questions of who are just as likely to deceive you as help you and also you can bind them with cleverly worded requests to make them do something they don't 'want' to do
Reposted byAvatar Matt Weiner
Elizabeth Scarbrough has a look at what makes some bad movies so good in this review from our latest issue. #philsky
I once had an hourlong talk with someone from AIPAC saying it wasn't their job to protest Trump appointing a virulent antisemite to his inner circle, because it might make it harder for them to lobby for Israel. AIPAC doesn't care about Jews, and criticism of them is not ipso facto antisemitic.
Reposted byAvatar Matt Weiner
I wish more people could distinguish between “Jews are generally the most reliable source for distinguishing when critique of Israeli governance and policy veers into antisemitism, although there’s intra-communal debate that should be taken into account” and “let Big Jew tell you who’s a Nazi.”
Reposted byAvatar Matt Weiner
Epistemic deference in action here ( Greenblatt pretty much says here that if you aren't Jewish, you don't get to decide what kinds of statements about Israel are appropriate. (And the implication is, he decides who's 'really' Jewish and who's not.)
Reposted byAvatar Matt Weiner
I once again think people are missing forest for the trees, the fact that AIPAC has had to try and make bids against Democrats at all, and that AIPAC spends openly in races now in of itself, is indicative of the waning, not growing, influence of the lobby.
the lyrics to "If Ever I Would Leave You" are wild. "My love for you is as eternal as sunshine in Wales"
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I want to dig into this, since my book VERY FINE PEOPLE comes out today, and it's in large part about precisely this sort of polemic trickery in service of bullshit apologia of supremacy. There's a sleight of hand at the start that catapults us into a massive lie.
Holton 2014 🤝 the cops in the Big Lebowski wouldn't hold out much hope for the credence
saw a physical copy of the Epoch Times and the lead story was Vermont kicks a couple out of the foster care system because "they believe that there are only two genders" L plus ratio
cryptic crossword clue: messed up, or it's all too bad (1, 4, 5)
me talking to someone who is not online in exactly the same way I am
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This is actually THE thing that people miss when they complain about labelers: every system of labeling is a function of bias (and I'm going to define that in a moment), and this includes larger systems like databases, archives, libraries, and (whenever federation happens) specific instances.
What people are calling "bias" here, me included (because it's shorter), is actually better termed "viewpoint". Moderation is a function of viewpoint. You choose a viewpoint lens through which to moderate and apply it to your policies and actions.
seems pretty safe to assume that Trump is going to try to medicate himself before the debate (edited the previous sentence to remove "hepped up on goofballs")
The RNC — like much of the right wing marketplace — is out talking publicly about Biden being secretly medicated to appear cognizant during the upcoming debate. Weirdest political expectations setting game ever.
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If you’re a college administrator, your only response to these kinds of bad faith complaints should be to tell them to go pound sand.
Hardly the first evidence of this but Columbia has gone completely ‘round the bend. They put three deans on suspension because some creep from the Free Beacon looked over their shoulders and saw them writing snarky texts?!? You do not take orders from these people!
Reposted byAvatar Matt Weiner
STAT wrote a piece about our piece: Coalition wages campaign for retractions of Richard Lynn’s racist journal articles (to be clear, we’re requesting retractions on the basis that Lynn’s research is so flawed it’s hard to interpret as anything other than fraud…
Coalition wages campaign for retractions of Richard Lynn's racist journal A coalition of researchers, historians, and journalists is urging that major scientific publishers, including Elsevier and Springer, retract the racist articles of academic Richard Lynn.
The author of the flat earth scientific racism paper was Satoshi Kanazawa. Transphobic "scientist" J. Michael Bailey invited Kanazawa to be a visiting scholar at Northwestern. However bad you thought the transphobes were about scientific standards, it's worse. (tagging
I didn’t even bother requesting retractions from Intelligence. They’ve already refused to retract a paper which not only used “national IQ” data but also used a methodology which assumes the earth is flat, so I think their editorial standards are pretty clear
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This was one of the favorite tactics of southern segregationists governments. It’s why freedom riders buses were bombed and so many organizers were disappeared and murdered. It’s ‘good’ (effective) if the state’s goal is to let civilians do the dirty work of eliminating dissident
there are a lot of ways for the state to suppress dissident speech. one particularly bad one is by having armed agents of the state stand by and do nothing while partisan-aligned thugs or paramilitary groups beat you because of your speech, and then have the DA decline to prosecute the assaulters.
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Reposted byAvatar Matt Weiner
helpfully annotated by highlighting the course of the hydrological main headwater of the system
I thought this was pretty astonishing: the Mississippi River and its tributaries.
Reposted byAvatar Matt Weiner
it is genuinely incredibly funny that despite Starmer's waffling on social issues and Tory misrule, JK Rowling still cannot find it in herself to vote Labour
Reposted byAvatar Matt Weiner
the combination of the Federalist Society's efforts to raise a generation of judicial reactionaries and the fact that judicial impeachment is a dead letter have led to an unsustainable situation far from threatening it, court packing and reform are necessary for rule of law to exist at all
NEW: When Judge Aileen Cannon drew the Trump classified documents case, two more experienced judges in Florida's southern district—including its chief—urged her to step aside and let someone else take it. She refused. (gift link)
Judge in Trump Documents Case Rejected Suggestions to Step Two federal judges in South Florida privately urged Aileen M. Cannon to decline the case when it was assigned to her last year, according to two people briefed on the matter. She chose to keep it.