
When I said "I don't trust the absolute numbers of the polls, but I trust movement" what I meant is that there's no way in hell Colorado has dropped off 12 to 15 points towards Trump in the last few years, but that's what these guys are showing.
Apparently this is the poll that has every Democrat freaking out today, and I have... questions... about the pre-debate numbers.
the state that just rejected dave williams and heidi ganahl is absolutely nowhere near tossup territory what are we even doing here
I would have heard about it if anyone in the state Democratic party, the organizers, or the elected officials thought the state was even close to competitive.
There's a competitive race (Yadira Caraveo) and a stretch goal for Dems (Boebert's old district) but like, CO has gotten bluer with every election for the past decade+ and there is no mechanism conceivable to me that would U-turn that by 200k votes
CO might be where VA was at the turn of the century ?
The main thing is once Dems gain statewide office and show they can govern well, a lot of the scaremongering no longer works. But here in VA the process took AGES
Is there any sort of concern of it backsliding? I mean, Youngkin winning felt like such a weird perfect storm of perfect candidates and white washing
I was so mad about that election. TMac used his muscle on the state party and preempted any primary challengers. Classic Democratic miscalculation: believed he was personally popular, where it was his policies that were popular
Virginia really likes the single term limit on governors and someone running for a non consecutive term triggers a visceral “you had your turn already” reaction from voters. All Youngkin had to do was ride that to victory