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former software engineer at twitter before the apartheid kid took over
Thinking a lot about this first day cover issued by the USPS in 1945 commemorating the Battle of Remagen, where my grandfather fought. He raised the first American flag east of the Rhine. He didn't bow to fascists, he did his part to end them. That's the energy I'm trying to hold on to.
I just called Sen Hickenlooper’s DC office to urge him to support AOC’s articles of impeachment against Thomas and Alito and the staffer who answered my call agreed that the senator should do so. Call your reps people. Make some goddamn noise.
Reposted byAvatar ryan
I just discovered that Danny devito is much taller than Ron Desantis and that brings me more joy than I feel is morally acceptable
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in high school i was voted worst
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“Dick Institute: not too busy” has finally beaten “for sale: baby shoes, never worn”
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begging people to know the difference between an yglesias-type and the outright trolls who are showing up now and just block the latter. you can't 'get to' them because all they want is engagement plus they legit want you to hate them
who else is feeling imposter syndrome realizing they are not capable of the level of shitposting on this site
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Have you considered a different argument: What if Twitter were sold to a man made entirely of straw instead? A sort of... strawman? A lot to consider.
@darthbluesky.bsky.social santiago does not like his cone but is healing nicely
it is everyone’s solemn duty to mute mattyglesias before he takes root on this site
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this feels like the rapture except the only people God has let into heaven was mentally ill transgender shitposters, tech people, and left-wing journalists
keep this place invite-only and if you invite someone who becomes a reply guy or troll you get banned too
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the bluesky experiment has shown that any group of more that 1000 people will inevitably invent discourse
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it's called bluesky cuz british people aren't allowed here
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how long do we have until the babylon bee makes it here. do you think they will leave us alone if we are woke enough
Reposted byAvatar ryan
we need this app to get a lot hornier very quickly
End of feed.