
if the catholic church had 1/10th the bible publishing game of the evangelicals I would be holding a liturgy of the hours office of readings: wide margin journaling edition in my hands right now
I never knew how much I wanted this until right now. My gosh.
As an adult convert who grew up evangelical, it’s still an ongoing frustration
we’re not beating the “catholics don’t read the bible” allegations when the pickings are this slim and I have heard precisely one homily in ten years that focused on the importance of getting into the scriptures tbh
I know a guy at Crossway; I’m gonna say he’s leaving money on the table
I think it's actually a copyright issue. I seem to remember reading only one publisher has rights, one of the apps got in trouble because they didn't have the rights lined up
yeah part of it is that the church should be handing the rights out like candy, especially if they don’t want to be publishing lots of options themselves. I don’t even mean for free necessarily! but my understanding is that it’s a huge pain in the ass to even get them to take your money lol
I’ve been really resistant to do my hour lately but your posts have given me the push I needed—fine, I’ll do it! But you’re only getting a quick compile!