Elvie 🌿🌲

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Elvie 🌿🌲


catholic (normal). love Jesus, love mary, hate sin, hate the devil.

opinions are my own and have not been approved by a censor librorum.

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republicans should do a humberbames candidate-off too just to be fair. i think lauren boebert would win
Reposted byAvatar Elvie 🌿🌲
huge L: despite our best attempts at self-delusion and copium, we’ve been forced to admit that we are sick-sick and have to skip our mountain lake camping trip we’re meant to be leaving for this morning 😔
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Some Millennials in my timeline are insecure because Gen Zs are telling them their ankle socks age them. I can't stress enough that you don't need to care about what a bunch of 20-somethings think about your clothes, mainly bc you don't have to care about what ANYONE thinks about your clothes.
getting older & minding my own business re: youth culture while also living in a college town is kind of like being in that ted chiang short story where people get a brain chip that makes it impossible to tell if someone is beautiful, but with coolness. I just assume every outfit is a Look
what makes me laugh is that they’re not dressed like the cool kids from when I was in middle/HS, they’re dressed like the unfashionable lame-o’s. reminds me of the 1st time I watched pretty in pink and struggled to parse the dynamics bc the loser characters looked cool as hell to me!
his hands look like this so my hands can look like this
“we have rolls in oregon” the rolls:
doesn’t even HAVE to be a kaiser roll for an ok approximation at home, like, really any good crusty roll can have an egg wash with salt and caraway seeds added on top and be Good Enough. but you ask for a roll here and they’re like “did you mean hamburger bun? biscuit? hawaiian roll?”
trying to explain what a kaiser roll is to my husband who has never seen a decent bread section in his life
Reposted byAvatar Elvie 🌿🌲
If Joe Biden is fit to run for office, why isn't my anxiety disorder cured?
politics is not a healthy hobby. it’s good to be informed and great to be involved but the shit that’s happening on here is neither. stop playing madlibs with reality and go back to posting about your weird neighbor or cool rock collection or whatever. for pete’s sake.
whether you’re right or not you flipping out Online is not going to help in the least. if you’re actually up to date on what he’s done this week and still convinced he’s not fit call your representatives, voice your concern, then honestly *figure out a way to stop thinking about it.*
everyone tearing their hair out panicking about biden right now needs to log the fuck off. my goodness
Reposted byAvatar Elvie 🌿🌲
here’s a spicy lil question, why does ‘christian prayer’ have like 200 hymns with full sheet music instead of, you know……..all of the hours
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I know a guy at Crossway; I’m gonna say he’s leaving money on the table
a single-volume standalone office of readings is my pipe dream liturgical book. it’s the perfect bible reading plan with built in commentary from the saints and tradition
if the catholic church had 1/10th the bible publishing game of the evangelicals I would be holding a liturgy of the hours office of readings: wide margin journaling edition in my hands right now
if the catholic church had 1/10th the bible publishing game of the evangelicals I would be holding a liturgy of the hours office of readings: wide margin journaling edition in my hands right now
98*, decided to sit outside under the shade sail with an ice cold can of coke and the first issue of lumberjanes. review: perfect for when you just feel like reading about summer camp and remember being a girl scout for half an hour ✅
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TRUMP: I am going to drop daisy-cutter bombs on Seattle just cuz BIDEN: I'll have the Bob Salad — ha, COBB Salad, whoops. NYT: Biden's Gaffe Sends Shockwaves Through Democratic Party; Trump Pledges Infrastructure Changes to Northwest
what are we doing here? he accidentally said million instead of billion and then immediately knew it and corrected himself. he didn’t “flub a line” and then “make an effort to correct himself,” he did the speaking equivalent of a typo that you know you’ve made and instantly correct
googled to check my spelling and. lmao
yeah viganò’s excommunication was latae sententiae, which means automatic/instrinsic to his actions. basically he excommunicated himself (put himself outside communion w the church) by loudly & repeatedly saying “this visible church body is evil and cancerous and i’m not a part of it.” like. okay 👍🏻
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the one time i’ve been prescribed opioids (codeine and vicodin) they had absolutely no effect even at the max dose which I attribute to my recessive redhead genes so I also fret about this tbh
my sister used to worry about waking up during surgery/pain control failing, bc of the redhead thing. never wound up coming up for her though lol
Reposted byAvatar Elvie 🌿🌲
The Tories could still win if King Charles has courage.
more wyden insider knowledge for this fine day of independence: his staff have a map of every fred meyer location so no matter where he is he can quickly get a fred meyer rotisserie chicken for dinner after every town hall
this is my excuse to tell a favorite story of mine: I once overheard some senior wyden staffers adamantly telling someone who thought they were kidding that veep is extremely accurate. "no, really. that's EXACTLY what it's like."
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reskeet with a tweet you still think about
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
Reskeet with a tweet u still think about
Reskeet with a tweet u still think about
somebody left their dog in their car, in the sun, on an 87* day, at the grocery store. luckily when we got there community services and an army of aging hippie women were on the case. what an asshole, I hope those ladies kick their ass if/when they turn up
the feature I miss most from tumblr is the queue. loved being able to parcel out my little posts throughout the working day
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Not to be corny but I do think the ongoing aspiration to make America a pluralist democracy of equals is righteous, beautiful, and worth honoring, even if it has more often been the struggle of minorities & dissenters than the policy of the government. 🇺🇸
just admit to yourself you don’t really have the interest/time/mental energy to vet stories and stop poasting about them
starting to feel like I really need to start muting ppl who consistently share article headlines or “news” based solely on what other accounts are saying. there’s a major game of telephone On Here that even ppl who talk a big talk on media literacy participate in
starting to feel like I really need to start muting ppl who consistently share article headlines or “news” based solely on what other accounts are saying. there’s a major game of telephone On Here that even ppl who talk a big talk on media literacy participate in