
It’s also just weird that their 4th of July message is that they want a second American revolution. The first one was pretty solid. Maybe stick with that one.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
"Bloodless if the left allows it to be" sure sounds like a threat.
They're hoping the left will be a bunch of intellectual wimps. Guess they believe that all law enforcement and the military are radical conservatives. Convicted Felon Donnie Drimpf didn't test Joint Chief of Staff Milley's oath, which is to the US Constitution, not CiC DumpyDrippingPants.
Years of being told "it wasn't an insurrection" and now they're like "lol yeah of course we want to overthrow the government"
Remember when NPR tweeted the d of I word for word on July 4 and the looney tunes rwers took it as a personal attack
it was an annual tradition, until they left Twitter! Wonder if they'll bring it over to BlueSky...
Unless "bloodless Second American Revolution" is a seasonal themed ice cream cake at Dave and Buster's no, no I don't think I'm inclined to allow that.
The supposed second one's purpose is to negate the purpose of the first. Pathetic people.
Ffs - him and what army? These people are a complete joke.
What they mean is that they'd like to reverse the revolution. They'd like to go back to the monarchy. Maybe not a British one, but a monarchy in all but name.
Inherent in wanting another revolution is that these people hate everything the current America stands for.
The 18th Brumaire of Louis Napoleon was not a “how to” guide. Smh
I dunno, Britain ended slavery earlier and has public health care, we should have lost and the founders are all pieces of shit.
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