Mars Rover

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Mars Rover

Not at ALL affiliated with NASA except for the schwag I took working there. Space, science, tech, video games, angry outbursts. Remember where I parked.
Liberté, égalité, fraternité.
BREAKING NEWS: Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which instead came in third in initial results as polling stations closed.
Projections in France's election show voters rejecting the far Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which ...
The algorithm: Hey you're old. You must like Kevin Costner. How bout this coffee we made with him from that show you must like? Me: I drink grocery store slop strained through a sock wtf are you talking about? Algo: Sooo, Kevin Costner socks?
Oh thank goodness the president is talking about COVID19 again it's still killing, disabling, and trapping thousands of Americans every wee... I'm being told it was tossed out as a possible excuse for a shitty debate performance?
I'm sure the chatbot trained on the collective idiocy of the Internet, famously tolerant and egalitarian place that it is, will make the perfect instructor at one of the nation's most venerable HBCUs.
ATJ is doing fine, but since "Fury Road" and "Atomic Blonde" it's been settled if you want an imposing, physical actress to make the audience believe she can absolutely kick the ever-loving shit out of anyone alive, you need (former ballet dancer) Charlize Theron.
Watching Furiosa and it's clear like ten dudes could have replaced Tom Hardy in "Fury Road" & it'd be the same flick. Charlize still embodies Nu Max. All the more astonishing Miller kept her from beating his ass when he'd play the troubled artist & leave her waiting in full costume for hours.
Watching Furiosa and it's clear like ten dudes could have replaced Tom Hardy in "Fury Road" & it'd be the same flick. Charlize still embodies Nu Max. All the more astonishing Miller kept her from beating his ass when he'd play the troubled artist & leave her waiting in full costume for hours.
Extremely online people: "Heavens, the village of Hereshropshire posted 17 more votes for Labour than in all of Dropsy-upon-Downes! That hasn't happened in 347 fortnights!" "Normal" people: "That place with the king chose a new duke, or something."
2/3rds of democrats want Biden to just stay put, keep doing a good job, and run a competent campaign, which, barring axing a few godawful comms people, he's capable of doing. Unfortunately, the remaining 1/3rd are *extremely* online and/or NYT employees.
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The GOP SCOTUS ruling on Presidential immunity, summed up.
Reposted byAvatar Mars Rover
Those who learn history are still doomed to repeat it, just while yelling SEE!?! SEE?!? The whole time.
I was born the day Reagan was elected, which is like swimming out to the fucking Titanic. My first POTUS election was decided by Bush v. Gore. WTF do you want from me? I've long believed in all of this and led a life of minimal attachments accordingly, but hoped I was wrong for my nephews. Whelp.
All the “How are you surprised by all this??” posters, congratulations on being the best and the smartest, it must feel incredible to be able to anticipate bad things but not have any emotional reaction when they arrive
Remember they could stop all this anytime they wanted. Everyone is probably doing 5 felonies right now. The USC is harder to comply with than Mosiac law. The reason they don't is not because they are cowards, they are owned. People we do NOT elect want it like this, and so it is.
Clarence Thomas unquestionably committed tax fraud on his motorcoach deal and the president has the power to put him in handcuffs this afternoon, in his official capacity in charge of the IRS and federal law enforcement
Pro-corporate neoliberalism is on retreat across the large western democracies which could have devastating consequences short term, but also as a pro-BurnItDowner:
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On the same morning, the Court said: 1) We should not presume to know more than small town mayors regarding complex, technical questions like whether to arrest people for being poor. 2) I don't see why a "PhD" in "nuclear physics" should have any latitude to implement ambiguous energy rules.
"Well it's a good thing all the dirty water, filthy air, and devastated environment will stay there in America." - Europeans and rich white kids who moved to Australia, New Zealand, and Denmark, smugly and unironically.
Always loved Far Cry 4's ending where Pagan Min deliberately calls you out as having become a murderous psychopath, but then the instant I got the chance I shot him in the head and it starts playing "Should I Stay or Should I Go" lol.
Noticing a trend in big, messy, epic fantasy toward endings where the hero chooses mercy and forgiveness toward the most evil big bad, but only after oceans of unnamed peon blood has spilled and lesser villains lie in broken heaps, and it's so cheap.
Another day, another validation of my decision not to have kids.
Reposted byAvatar Mars Rover
Well it's a good thing the administration has done and spent so much to emphasize their importance and combat mis/disinformation and culture war bullshit surrounding them. They've really kept their eyes on the ball there. No notes. On fleek. Crushing it. Slay kween.
Breaking: All Americans ages 6 months and older should receive one of the new Covid-19 vaccines when they become available this fall, scientific advisers to the CDC said on Thursday.
New Covid Shots Recommended for Americans 6 Months and Older This As the virus continues to mutate, scientific advisers to the C.D.C. are urging Americans to roll up their sleeves again for annual vaccinations.
Oliver Platt steals every other episode, that's why they can't be in the same one.
If I were Chris Storer I would probably stop letting Jamie Lee Curtis ballistic-strike in and steal entire seasons of my hit show in single episode appearances, but I'm not and that's why I'm not making some of the best goddamned TV in human history. #TheBear
If I were Chris Storer I would probably stop letting Jamie Lee Curtis ballistic-strike in and steal entire seasons of my hit show in single episode appearances, but I'm not and that's why I'm not making some of the best goddamned TV in human history. #TheBear
I think the new Tinder share my date feature is weird, creepy, and unnecessary so buy as many shares of Match stock as you can b/c I'm wrong about what will be insanely popular 100% of the time & the Nu Internet thrives on toxic voyeurism.
Are the creepy people accosting the product users supposed to be Boomers (who are at worst old Milnls), and the users heroic Zoomers who akshuwally them to defeat by parroting Apple marketing specs? Is anyone supposed to want a product that makes fucking weird people give you unsolicited warnings?
I'm watching something with a huge Apple ad buy & all I can ask is- Who. The. Fuck. is in charge of advertising over there now? It used to be slick, hip, featured the product, everyone checked out playlists of their songs. This shit is dark, creepy, and off-putting. Yeah that's how you want your ads
I'm watching something with a huge Apple ad buy & all I can ask is- Who. The. Fuck. is in charge of advertising over there now? It used to be slick, hip, featured the product, everyone checked out playlists of their songs. This shit is dark, creepy, and off-putting. Yeah that's how you want your ads
Reposted byAvatar Mars Rover
Let’s just give up and throw this on the bottom of bills when they’re signed into law.
The final SCOTUS decision today is Snyder v. US. Kavanaugh has the court's 6-3 decision on ideological grounds, holding that the Section 666 bribery statute does not apply to "gratuities" given for public officials' *past* acts. Jackson writes the liberals' dissent.