
Yep. Imagine the vitriol they reserve for those of us who don't want any kids at all.
Can I derail and talk about the larger families push? I have one child. I will only ever have one child. This is highly offensive to a large part of the population. They are vocally opposed to the one and done lifestyle. Parents of multiple children often discriminate against parents with 1 child.
I'm not saying the child free don't get a vitriol. I am trying to describe a specific anger aimed at those of us who chose to focus on one child. I have been told you aren't a mom until you have multiple kids, to my face by other parents. No one talks about the rampant small family discrimination.
It's all so stupid and so telling. People have nothing to fulfill them or give their lives meaning so they stuff it with children to live vicariously through them. I'm convinced that's it. "Mom" is the beginning and end of their personality, worldview, life. Sad.
Mom is a very large part of my worldview and personality. The amount of kids I have does not make me more or less of a mother. Some people seem to think the purpose of their fertile years is to churn out as many kids as possible to establish social dominance. I am not sure how they afford it.
I don't think they do tbh. And they certainly don't seem to understand that they benefit from the social safety nets that so many of them seem to be against.