
anyhow my biggest concern about harris vis a vis electability specifically is "the party leadership doesn't like her and doesn't support her" but if they're this willing to go knives out on biden maybe they're willing to swallow some pride. unless they all start having their own faves to run
unfortunate amounts of plausibility for various longtime dem insiders to start bringing up hillary as an option because there is basically literally nobody from the younger* dems they actually like and support *under 65
they don't even like her! it's incredible how much dem seniority's years long opposition to building any kind of bench isn't just ideological but is the pettiest clique bullshit in the world. it doesn't matter if you'll do the same awful things as them, you aren't their lunch bud, so fuck off!
the only exception there has been over and over to "you can have this when we fucking die" has been the god awful new york democrats and can you just imagine them trying to rally around fucking jeffries or adams as a candidate, or "can we get cuomo back"
Concerns about the country being racist and sexist about Harris are probably somewhat valid, but it’s more that Dem Leadership have an imaginary median voter Carville cooked up in ‘91 (untouched since them, natch) that just so happens to aligned with all their views.
there's a lot floating in my head that the way people think about obama's incredible '08 victory is that they mostly don't. a black guy named barack hussein obama beats a racist media, a racist GOP, and a racist hillary clinton and somehow nobody thinks there's anything to learn there.
it's treated like he was always in office, that the primary and the general didn't even happen, and that he wasn't considered a longshot candidate from the get go, and that he wasn't opposed by a ton of the dem establishment including quite obviously hillary herself and her bigass camp.
They all have their own faves to run. There is no viable plan to replace Biden, and a magical consensus unicorn to replace him would only be a tiny part of such a plan.
It's wild seeing blue MAGA simultaneously hold "It's racist to want Biden to drop out" and "being a black women makes her incapable of winning the presidential election" positions. I do think if Biden drops out there will be some level of internal revolt against her. Hard to tell how much though.
I don't even like her but situations like this are the entire reason the VP exists and picking anyone else would be wildly undemocratic in comparison so it's insane that anyone else is even being considered at all.