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Designer on THPS and Madden
Terrible Takes are Mine Alone
The French election is a Rorschach test. You can look at it and say “we need to rally around our embattled and politically weakened leader” or “tactical voting and having weak candidates drop out saved the country” Both are correct.
The authoritarian right has power in America only because the majority of Americans didn't care enough to pay attention, let alone vote. The French saw the danger and stood against it.
“You just need a quick nap” - The side of the brain responsible for tricking you into sleeping for hours and messing up your already shot sleep schedule.
Has there been any point in history where “which party benefits more if *their own* presidential candidate dies before November” could be a debatable question?
Wishcasting a new candidate is a massive L. You think Biden’s cognition is worse baggage than him dropping out, the infighting for position, a brokered convention, a candidate who is picked by the party and not voters, and the pure loser energy radiating from all that?
Fromsoft difficulty discourse is a cul-de-sac of people confusing difficulty (setting) with difficulty (narrative), accessibility (popularity), and accessibility (inclusivity). It’s a bear trap, please do not stick your hand in.
Not just extremely online, but the kind of brain cursed to remember online arguments from the 2010s. Tech reporters talking about the novel insanity they find online and I pull up a folding chair: “let me tell you about some subreddit drama from 2013 that illustrates this phenomenon is not new.”
STOP 🤚 If you are reading this, you’ve reached a Pokémon checkpoint. You are now obligated to share your favorite Pokémon
STOP 🤚 If you are reading this, you’ve reached a Pokémon checkpoint. You are now obligated to share your favorite Pokémon
Get that baseball off your fuck ass treason flag, not all of us are St. Louis Cardinals fans.
National Review has introduced Alito flags. They’re very real. Each costs $197. www.nationalreview.com/2024/06/intr...
Look, there’s a lot of fucking dumb leftists and accelerationists out there, but I promise: when the Democratic Party does yet another stupid thing in a long line of stupid things? The folks calling it as it is? Probably trying to move the party and the Overton window back leftwards, really.
Reposted byAvatar JC
Work played some College Dropout Era Kanye today and every song seems touched with a melancholia. Chicago Saudade, Chicago Hiraeth.
The toothless TOS may say otherwise, but I have an absolutist view, similar to castle doctrine, that my computer is mine. The internet is an ad filled wasteland? Microsoft is adding some nonsense to windows yet again? Damn, would be a shame if I blasted those components into a fine digital mist.
Linux is so back baby
Deeply, darkly funny that all those students protesting the war in Gaza were beaten up by the ‘law and order’ folks, and then less than a few weeks later the international standard of *actual* law and order says they were completely correct.
So when does Biden ditch Bibi? Even with the weight of AIPAC, the realpolitik of corruption trials, the genocide trials, that Biden needs to win the youth vote to have any chance of a second term? It’s a lot to throw away for a thorny client state leader whose governing coalition is already shaken.
I am once again asking the YouTubers who make videos longer than 3 hours to respect my time and hire an editor. I understand the YouTube payment game is rigged, but I fully believe your 4 hour masterpiece could be 40 minutes, let alone a tight 90.
Is it still hipster to say the Zune was ahead of it's time? We mocked Zune's music subscription and now I mostly use Apple Music instead of iTunes. The Zune being brown because they wanted to match that year's fashion trends was iffy, but even the UI (metro font in all lowercase) looks modern.
We need to bring in K. A. Applegate for an expert opinion on brain worms trying to gain dominance by exploiting human power structures.
This is one hell of a notification. 🧠🪱
Every day I am more convinced the only way to save the games industry is to disconnect it from the stock market in any way. A private company like Valve unbeholden to “number go up no matter the carnage” psychopathy is the only way forward short of an overthrowing capitalism.
Xbox said today it is shutting down four game studios: Arkane Austin (Redfall), Tango Gameworks (Hi-Fi Rush), Alpha Dog (Mighty Doom), and Roundhouse (support). The video game industry carnage continues, with no end in sight. www.bloomberg.com/news/article...
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?www.bloomberg.com
Reposted byAvatar JC
RIP Roll7, you deserved better than this: aftermath.site/kerbal-space...
I understand that calling out hypocrisy doesn’t ‘work’ anymore, but the absolute gall of these university bigwigs talking about campus safety and sicking the riot cops on their own students. Not just one or two dumbasses, but dozens of presidents just abdicating any responsibility of care.
With the exception of an occasional student protest or a legacy conservative crying because girls won’t talk to him: the entirety of higher education reporting in established print media is livejournaldrama between graduates, donors, and administrator of about 4 schools.
My most midwestern characteristic is that I think coastal elites are wayyy too self-obsessed and their institutions are much more mediocre than they think
You know, if I was the DEA, I probably wouldn’t mention said opioid crisis, as they really did a bang up job on that front. Don’t they have some illegal drug deals to botch, or does destabilizing Middle and South America just not get them jazzed anymore?
We’ve discussed at length Fox News Brain, Local News Brain, Facebook Brain and Terminally Online Brain: but there needs to be inquiry into folks who spend 200 bucks a month for cable and watch nothing but over the air Medical / Cop / Alphabet Agency procedurals.
Ultraman co-creator Eiji Tsuburaya was a converted Catholic, and incorporated Christian iconography into The Crucifixion of the Ultra Brothers in 1972. The striking visuals stuck. When you see a bunch of folks crucified in Japanese media, the allusion is to Ultraman, probably not Jesus.
Good Friday
NGL, I was conditioned to expect 36 months for Sam Bankman-Fried after time served with possibility of parol after 18mo. Rich kid getting an actual quarter century? That’s a win in this country for white collar crime.
I’m reading that AI brain cancer post again, and I simply cannot believe that these tech bros have taken various chatbots and made them into a pantheon of gods. It’s a few steps beyond magical thinking at this point. One imagines the golden calf speaking confidently with 99% assurance.
It really is amazing how fast sports gambling in the US went from “you should be allowed to put a little action on the game you’re already watching :)” to “USE PROMO CODE ‘ENDLESS ADS’ FOR A DEPOSIT MATCH ON YOUR FIRST 27 LEG PARLAY”
Average New Hampshire / Vermont Voter
i completely forgot to post the absolutely INSANE sticker i saw on someone's car the other day
Reposted byAvatar JC