Colin Spacetwinks

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Colin Spacetwinks

that kangaroo what makes the game rec threads and such
anyhow my biggest concern about harris vis a vis electability specifically is "the party leadership doesn't like her and doesn't support her" but if they're this willing to go knives out on biden maybe they're willing to swallow some pride. unless they all start having their own faves to run
you know it's going well when everyone suddenly has very strong opinions on mark warner's extremely brief interest in running for president over 15 years ago
thought rolling in the head that a buncha the biden strat - and rationale from defenders of him - has been "we can lose the youth & a buncha minority voters by winning over haley people" and i have to wonder if they think the potential haley -> biden voters aren't also put off by debate performance
specific We Gave It Our Best Shot, Slugger energy of this answer reminding me of how joe wanted beau to be prez, to the point of saying on Morning Joe in 2020: "Beau should be the one running for president, not me. Every morning I get up Joe, not a joke, and I think to myself, 'Is he proud of me?"
*There's* the schmuck I've disliked since 1988. I don't know what the right thing to do is, but good lord is that now what this is about. The correct answer is "defeating Donald Trump is a matter of the gravest national importance. I'm the one who has done it and I believe I'm the one...
feels like part of the longstanding trend of "complain about the media, but never do anything about it other than Hope They're Nice To Us" from democrats is that a lot of 'em find the shittiness of the media convenient when they want to knife somebody else in the party
thought that has been growing in my head a lot over the last year is that a lot of stuff is driven by a growing recognition that we have basically no influence on our elected officials' decisions from people who normally deeply believe in The Political Process and it is causing meltdowns
me, to myself: hey what was harris' feelings on court reform in 2020
anybody else thinking about that year where everyone in the white house were posting photos of themselves walking places
listen here, jack - as president, breaking the law is strictly for bombing foreigners, couping other governments, and unlimited domestic surveillance
ultimately in a place where people feel "we are in extreme crises that require real action and for dems to truly recognize the courts and the GOP as an enemy", the emails we get go "that's right we're fucked! so give us $20" and the leadership the emails are for go "actually everything's fine"
can't wait for dick durbin's official response of ":/" and joe biden's official response of "doing anything other than letting the courts destroy america would be the REAL destroying america"
feels like the unspoken thing that's frying more and more people is a growing inescapable sensation that they have basically no influence at all on their biggest elected reps no matter what and it sends everyone scattered looking for different methods and rationalizations to grapple with it
what i'm hearing 1. trump is, expectedly, being a shithead 2. moderators, expectedly, suck 3. joe biden really, really, really should have actually taken some uppers
feeling remarkably better today. brain actually feels like it can function, and moreover, don't feel tired all over in general - all after a cold sweat night. best conclusion i can draw is i've probably had covid this week and didn't notice because it was all brain/fatigue shit. sucks!
'is my energy total shit and my head empty because of depression, because i haven't eaten enough, or have i contracted covid, or perhaps something else entirely' is a fun process of elimination
seeing the links between the NYPD and hochul flipping off congestion pricing and y'know it isn't great that the level of personal security you need to be able to oppose the police on even traffic pricing is 'your own secret service detail'
vtuber that has the same artstyle and animation of one of those F2P mafia idler games
astonishingly relaxed bird on the walk to pick up my meds
got reminded today that once made a comic of a dumb tweet i made years ago. still love it
the immigration executive order, plus local and national dems still being all in on cop city, having me think again about 90s log cabin republicans and how much of their behavior lines up
when my adhd and depression meds properly function together i feel like i'm experiencing a kind of psychic trepanation, months expired neurological candy peanuts run through a blender sluicing out of an invisible hole in my skull. do you understand
the funniest thing about chait's problem with the trump case is if you go back to his earliest writing on it back in 2023 you can see he has a very odd specific hyperfocus on "it's not ILLEGAL to pay off a woman you're having an affair with, normally"
two years later still thinking about the implications of doug funnie and his dog being personal injury lawyers in the chip n dale movie
that Little Witches lady has really had a journey from the far simpler bad takes of "the Internet Archive is a real, serious threat to artists and writers livelihoods", huh
every time i get more chill with this site i see a buncha motherfuckers bust into shit like people making emotionally raw statements on the dehumanization of palestinians with a bunch of fucking nerd jokes and refs. what's with all the goddamn usenet AV club geek energy with no off switch shit
something of the "yes biden is bad but trump would be even worse for gaza-" that i keep noticing is they have no ability to conceive of what will even be left of gaza if this goes on till november and i feel this comes out of still operating by the same 10/7 beliefs of "this'll last a couple weeks"
think one thing about so much "but if hillary had just won in 2016-!" about SCOTUS specifically that bothers me so much is; do you guys remember what the numbers actually were for congress on that election. or even just 'who had the majority and who was the minority'. cuz i do
seeing people furiously rage at even those they know are in deep red states for not promising their votes to biden and it really is clear that tons of this is "i'm scared as hell and you need to promise your vote to make me feel less scared"