
Look, I'm just saying, after reading the way the mainstream press has "covered" the debate these past two weeks I am really not surprised that a financial reporter got scammed out of $50,000.
Like, it's just interesting to me that Trump directs violence at his enemies, threatens people constantly, has committed multiple sexual assaults and fraud, and there is an ecosystem of judges to protect him from any fallout, and the elite of this country just cannot stop talking about Biden's age.
Like... this happens when one coverage is favoring one candidate and not favoring the other. Scholars have quantified billions of dollars worth of favorable media coverage of Trump over the years. It's genuinely a crisis for society, this coverage-as-promotion.
goddamn, lol
It’s maddening and I would say they’re advocating for this place to end.
crazymaking. rage inducing. just woof.