
either everything we have ever learned about presidential campaigns is wrong and trump is headed to victory, or he isn’t
The Nates have rated the above statement as a fifty/fifty shot
lol. i mean, i’m no fuckin’ nostradamus, but, like, same as it was in march, same as it was in january, same as it was all through 2023, trump’s campaign fundamentals look bad, bad, bad, and either those are gonna matter, or nothing does
can i once again register a complaint about how i, shitposter, have to learn this stuff because no one who covers politics and elections for a living gives a shit about doing their jobs
Because they fear that we, the voters, might forget that Joe Biden is *checks notes* old.
The Trump campaign is compensating being overspent in digital advertising with a vigorous schedule of public events.
And yet no one is harassing this man to get up in front of audiences and stop hiding. One candidate has some very concerning sign of decline and it’s not Biden.
Are they going with the Biden 2020 "strategy" of not overdoing it with their candidate? Presumably so he doesn't talk about the fucking sharks again?
Honestly the shark and battery conversation is the one gift that I have enjoyed from that asshole this year
It seems foolish that we aren’t talking about Trumps extremely bad polling numbers
could donald trump of all people possibly have a ceiling of votes
It’s almost like nobody exists who doesn’t already have an opinion about him
Honestly when have polls re: Trump failed us in the past
I heard someone on msnbc a few weeks ago that said maga makes up about 14% of the voting electorate. A lot of the people in MO just follow like sheep. We're about a 60/40 state split between both parties.
Unfortunately for my anxiety he does but they're the only ones who answer calls and reply to texts from unknown numbers.
Would be very funny if rightwing influencers starting saying that Trump is so certain to win that it is ok to vote for RJK Jr.
Because I'm busy trying to manage The Fear*, what fundamentals are you thinking of? *which yes, I know is best solved through work, I do Tech For Campaigns regularly.
they outsourced outreach and mobilization to charlie kirk, RNC has very few field offices in any state, their ad buys are both anemic and late, state parties are in complete disorder, trump’s rallies are way below attendance from even 2020 and the RNC purged the few experienced pros they had
it's not even clear the campaign has a lead lawyer, which is something you *need*
In this regard this election is an amazing poli-sci experiment in controlling for every factor against one candidate except for "bad vibes"
Trump flags and lawn signs are at historic lows.
Much appreciated, thank you. I also do appreciate that Trump's campaign is siphoning campaign funds for legal fees, better that than putting them to use. Any other things you're keeping in mind about the race?
And Dems have been, on average, overperforming in special elections.
This all feels like it should be a BLOWOUT to a Biden win... But alot if this 'Replace Biden' talk feels so manufactured and out of the blue. I wonder if it's because outside of the Debate, most people aren't paying attention to the election yet?
And the later they get the more each ad is going to cost.
Yeah, a lot was made of Trump getting a huge influx of cash after his conviction but if he isn't spending it then that's another factor against him. Also, that influx included one $50M donation from some RW weirdo, and his per-person pledges are down. The only area where he seems ahead is polling.
One thing that gets forgotten anytime the field ops are mentioned, though, is how entirely MAGA has captured the Evangelical Church. There are a lot of volunteers there, in every community, and they are often hearing at least once a month about the need to elect Trump. Can't underestimate that.
You see, focusing on fundamentals is boring & stupid. Fundamentals are Web 1.0. Ford Crown Victoria. What you need to beat Trump is a reality show that will entertain reporters more than Trump. That's the Tesla that wins this election
I think many people (myself included!) are still scarred and broken from 2016 to be rational about anything.
But I think people are worrying about stuff like the latest NYT/Siena poll results
I am terrified if the population of voters was comprised of bored people who don't know how caller ID works.
At this point I would answer a polling call just to see how much my one response swings black voter support, but in the decades that I've been a voter I've never been called.
No one seems to be taking into account that he's pretty blatantly running his campaign as a piggy bank for his legal expenses.
I don’t know what it means that a Democrat almost just won OH-6, but it sure look on trend on every other special & general election since Dobbs.
My own view is that if mortgage rates come down by September, Biden wins.
History indicates that there's a strong chance nothing matters.
The Nates can get fucked. They have no idea what is gonna happen and they're too chickenshit to admit their polls are next to useless.
We're watching their industry collapse in real time but they definitely can't acknowledge that, they're too important to the rest of the media who rely on their numbers to keep the horse race interesting.
Anything the NYT touches related to Biden is currently suspicious
Biden has been outspending only to tread water.
On the Meta platforms every 3-4 posts is a Biden ad, for me in North Carolina.
I’m in a less competitive state and it’s so much more quiet here. I can understand how people outside the 7 States That Will Decide think both campaigns are doing nothing